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PostPosted: Tue Jan 17, 2012 8:39 pm 

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Many breeders use to make preventing treatments with antibiotics, I won’t write about the consequences of this and others stockbreeding practices with uncontrolled use of antibiotics, promoting the resistance to antibiotics in different bacteria and other microbe.

I want to write about a natural way of preventing and fighting illness in our birds, using Origami aetheroleum`s oil, derived from the Wild Mediterranean Oregano plant, this oil contains a natural level of over 93% carvacrol making it the worlds strongest natural antibiotic.
The wild oregano plant has been widely used in the past for treating many common diseases ranging from digestive, skin and respiratory disorders. The recent laboratory experiments and studies just confirmed that different ingredients in the oil were the ones responsible for these curative properties. They act synergistically to kill virus, bacteria, fungus and parasites.

Experiences in the poultry industry tell us…. “The feed mixtures with Origami aetheroleum which contain an effective substance carvacrol have shown a comparable production effectiveness and index of feeder effectiveness with the group of broilers receiving the feed mixtures with antibiotics. The group of broilers receiving the feed with Origami aetheroleum reached the body weight significant in day the 21st and 28th and feed conversion comparable with that fed with the feed with antibiotics”.

It is the wild oregano plant Origanum vulgare and Origanum aetheroleum where the oil of oregano is extracted from and not the common oregano, Origanum marjoram. The common oregano is the one used as spice for cooking while the oil of oregano used for treatment comes from the wild plant grown in Mediterranean countries and Mexico.

By now most natural health care enthusiasts are aware that Oregano Oil has been clinically shown to be a promising natural deterrent against Bird Flu, Staphylococcus, Hepatitis, Candida, and many other ailments. You are also probably aware that studies conducted at Georgetown University, Cornell University, and the University of Tennessee have shown Oregano Oil to rival the effectiveness of standard antibiotics such as Streptomycin, Penicillin, Vacnomycin, Nystatin, and Amphotericin. Carvacrol has been identified as the active constituent of Oregano Oil

Modern research has found that carvacrol belongs to a class of plant chemicals known as monoterpenoid phenols. Thymol is also a member of this class of chemical substances. These plant chemicals have natural potent antimicrobial abilities and have long been used for antibacterial purposes. The properties of carvacrol include antimicrobial, antimutagenic, analgesic, anti-inflammatory, insecticidal and many more. It is a colorless liquid that is slightly soluble in ether, ethanol and water. Aside from its uses in alternative medicine, this substance is also being used in the cosmetic industry; It can also be used as a disinfectant and a food preservative.

In a recent study, carvacrol was also found to give relief from pain due to arthritis. Researchers have found that carvacrol relieves arthritis pain by acting as an anti-inflammatory agent. When your joints and tendons are infected, inflammation will result. With the use of oregano oil, your immunity will be enhanced and you’ll be able to fight off these infections. As a result your joint inflammation will subside and the pain will be gone. Carvacrol also enhances the activity of your heat shock proteins (HSP) as shown by a recent study.

An advantage of using this oil is that it has virtually no side effects at all. Added to that, pathogens are not able to develop resistance against them. This could not be said about conventional medicines such as antibiotics.

I want to use this oil and would like to know if anyone in the ICA is already using the oregano’s oil, so could tell us how he/she is doing, about frequency of the treatments trough the year and whatever could be of interest.
Best regards

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Breeder: Canary: Red and Yellow.
PostPosted: Wed Jan 18, 2012 6:19 pm 
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Really a nice topic. Thanks for sharing it with us and also the experiments that have been done using it.
I would like to mention something about the antibiotics and their use in preventing diseases. You are right I agree with you regard the consequences. Briefly, antibiotics kill bacteria (both the beneficial and harmful ones) so that's why it is preferable to give a probiotic after each antibiotic treatment to nourish the beneficial bacteria.

Thank you for this nice topic

Best wishes


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Breeder: Canary
PostPosted: Tue Jan 24, 2012 12:27 pm 
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Thank you very much for this information about the oregano oils

Very interesting what you wrote , but I am afraid that no one here in arabic countries as far as I know used it as a plant or extracted oils.

I think giving the bird the green leaves better than give them only the carvacrol oil, but first we should know is it safe to feed our canaries or not.

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Breeder: canaries
PostPosted: Tue Jan 24, 2012 11:55 pm 

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Hi Mr. Abdo Abu Seir, thanks for your words.
As far as I know the essentials oils have been being used in humans for centuries even in the Arabs countries, it is, know a days when is being used in some poultry industry, and more recently in the bird’s food companies.
I have no personal experience using it, all I wrote is from reliable sources, anyway what is used for our birds is the oregano’s oil which is rich in carvacrol, not carvacrol’s oil, and it is used as bactericide (Salmonella and E-Coli between others), fungicide and to prevent infections and “coccidiosis”.
If I’m not wrong, you are a pharmacist, so you will know much better than me, the different between a fresh leaf or plant and an oil or powder extract of them, which could be thousands times more concentrated.
Actually almost all birds’ product companies sell their version of oregano’s oil or extract of oregano, I could see this last Friday at the World Championship in Almeria, I bought a tin of “Avian Oregano” in the stand of a Holland’s company, it is a mixed powder extract of oregano, rich in carvacrol, timol, linalol, eugenol and other 200 components, I give it to my birds in the water, you have complete information in English about this product and many others in the following web….
Best regards

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Breeder: Canary: Red and Yellow.
PostPosted: Tue Feb 14, 2012 9:07 pm 
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Thank you, sir Aliskander Our participation on this topic I you look for

and treat Amadad vital

for birds of the nature of medicine so as not to lose

the bird immune system of its own


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Breeder: Canary
PostPosted: Sun Mar 04, 2012 4:58 pm 
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I searched to know more about oregano.
I noticed it is very close to thyme.
We use thyme to feed canaries and it should be dry, and it has the same medicak effect as oregano.
But oregano itself I did not know if any arabic breeder used it.

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Breeder: canaries
PostPosted: Sun Mar 04, 2012 11:25 pm 

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Yes, you are right, it is close to thyme, and they are frequently used together. The main difference between them for the case we’re trying is that thyme is rich in Timol and oregano is rich in Carvacrol. As you may know an over dose of Timol may cause narcotic effects, and also has an interaction that inhibits the assimilation of copper.
Actually the mixture I’m using to prevent illnesses is “Avian Oregano” and is rich in carvacrol, timol, linalol, eugenol and other 200 components
More info in the following web… ... e3e8ada99d
Best regards

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Breeder: Canary: Red and Yellow.
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