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 Sujet du message: The 3 Basic Wing Patterns
MessagePosté: Ven Fév 08, 2008 5:53 pm 

Inscription: 23 Jan 2008
Messages: 20
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genre: Rien de précisé

In this lesson #3, we will learn how to tell apart wing patterns of a budgie. After this lesson, everyone should be able to say if their Budgie was normal, opaline or spangle.

The normal pattern is the easiest to distinguish. Black wavy pattern starts on the head and covers the whole back and wings. No areas on the wing and back should be of the body color. It's either yellow and black in green series, or white and black in blue series birds.
Here are Budgies with "normal" wing pattern:

Many mutations change the intensity of melanins (black pigment) of a Budgie, turning the black into grey or brown. The budgie would still have "normal" wing pattern even when it is grey and white instead of black and white for example. The key word is "pattern" and not "color".
Here is a whitewing bird, with "normal" wing pattern.

Pied birds have splotches of their ground color (white or yellow) on different parts of their body. Some birds are heavily pied in a way that almost their entire wavy pattern is lost. Some others only have some pied splotches, and it's easy to tell if they were normals or not by the remaining pattern. Here is LiLi, a pied "normal".
Checking the pattern, even though partly splotched with her ground color (white), it is obvious that her head and wings were covered otherwise by the normal black striations.
The markings on her head are a good indication that she's normal as opalines and spangles have faint head markings.

The wing undulations on opalines are almost identical to the normal's. I say almost because to the trained eye, they are slightly different.
The opaline mutation is the only one that makes the body color bleed onto the back. Opalines have a "V" shaped area between their wings in their same body color. This area should have little or no markings at all. Also, their head striations are faint, not as bold as the normals.
Here is an opaline. Notice the blue area, exactly her body color, on her back, also notice the lack of striations in that area.

The top left baby is a normal, and the right top is opaline. Notice the blue clear area.

Variations: Melanin reducing mutations and pied also affect opalines, so you have to check for the area between the wings for clues. It should have the same color as the body.
Here is a whitewing opaline:
It's easy to tell she's opaline, as she has violet between her wings.

Spangle is different from normal and opaline in a way that it is a wing pattern mutation is single factor, and an overall changing mutation in double factor. Double factor spangles are either white or yellow bird, so here, we will discuss single factor spangle.
This is a very pretty mutation, a spangle would have his pattern colors reversed. While in normals, the black is predominant on the wings and head, in spangles it's the ground color that takes over. And instead of the feather being black and edged with the ground color, the feather becomes of the ground color and edged with black. This makes a very particular pattern almost pearly in appearance.

And next is a green series spangle from the net:
green spangle

Variations: The same applies for spangles, they can have their melanin reduced and they can be pied. Just check the wing feathers, they should be yellow or white with thin dark edging.

Hope this helps.

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 Sujet du message: Re: The 3 Basic Wing Patterns
MessagePosté: Mer Fév 13, 2008 7:18 am 
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Inscription: 11 Fév 2008
Messages: 5
Sujets: 3
genre: Rien de précisé

thanks my brother Pass for this useful subject
sorry my english is poor


Dernière édition par Abdo Abu Seir le Jeu Fév 14, 2008 11:40 am, édité 2 fois.
correct spelling errors

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 Sujet du message: Re: The 3 Basic Wing Patterns
MessagePosté: Jeu Fév 14, 2008 11:42 am 
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