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PostPosted: Sun Aug 17, 2008 11:29 pm 

Joined: 10 Jun 2008
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This topic was put in the arab forum by " Mohammed Reda " so , all his copyrights are reserved .

This a link to the original text :" onclick=";return false;

In this topic I'll talk about some of the behaviors of such a gorgeous , elegant and great bird which is the Cockatiel .


1- Night frights :

Birds face a state of excitation in which they fly vigorously from place tp place inside the cage or aviary . Sometimes birds get hurt and get wounds in their wings and bloody feathers causing them to bleed . The reason behind this is ; when the bird is sleeping it feels a sudden movement or noise around and it gets scared .

2- The existence of a stranger in the aviary with the birds :

Sometimes when a friend of us gets in an aviary , birds feel frightened and they stare in fear at him . If you notice that look you will find the extension of the iris and the erection of the comb . This is because the bird knows his owner very well and can distinguish him easily so , it acts in an aggressive behavior towards any stranger due to it's fear .

3- Warning the flock :

If a bird is scared it screams to warn the flock so the rest of the flock starts to scream and get into a state of fright hitting the cage and this could hurt them severely .

4- Cleanliness :

As you can see this bird is very clean and it loves to bathe whether in a bowl or through spraying . When the bird is sprayed by its owner , it stands in front of him happily without shifting away . On the contrary , it directs towards the sprayer for more until bath time is over . After that you will notice the bird cleaning its tail feathers from the deep end to the tip very carefully with its tongue .

5- Males preparations for laying and hatching of the first egg :

When the female is ready to lay her first egg , the male attends this moments and doesn't get out of the nest box unless the egg is laid . Same thing with hatching and it helps the female in caring of the hatchlings . During the incubation period which lasts for 21 days , males share females during the day and leave them during the night . Females get out of the nest box in the morning to exercise , excrete and eat .

Best wishes and good luck :)

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Breeder: cockatiels
PostPosted: Sun Aug 31, 2008 10:30 am 
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Thank you my friend.

Good luck

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Breeder: canaries
PostPosted: Sat Sep 06, 2008 12:02 am 

Joined: 10 Jun 2008
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Hi dear friend Abdo Abu Seir ,

You are always welcome !

Best wishes and good luck :)

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Breeder: cockatiels
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