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PostPosted: Sat Jul 26, 2008 12:14 am 

Joined: 10 Jun 2008
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Hi everybody ,

This topic was put in the arab forum by " Dr. Hassan Salama " so all his rights are reserved .

This is a link to the original text :" onclick=";return false;

Some important notes on color mutations :

1- A cockatiel with no cheek patches is called Yellow-face with less Psittacins pigment that is responsible for the orange cheek patches , until the cheek patches turn peach-yellow or blend in the yellow male face . This trait can be inherited in two ways : through autosomal dominant traits Y or recessive sex-linked traits Xy where y indicates the Yellow-face trait . It's genetic origin is determined by parents and grand parents birds .

2- The Pearl trait is sex-linked , where male cockatiels is represented by XP XP and females are represented by XP Y .

3- The Lutino trait is sex-linked , where male cockatiels is represented by XL XL and females are represented by XL Y .

4- The Whiteface trait is an autosomal recessive trait , its formula is ww .

5- The Regular Grey is a dominant trait , its formula is GG .

6- Yellow-face Lutino birds are all colored in yellow with peach-yellow cheek patches .

Question :

What's the result of pairing an Albino ( Whiteface Lutino ) with a Pearl Yellow-face female ( no cheeks ) ?

Answer :

The male genetic formula is XLXLwwyyn ,
In case the female is Yellow-face Pearl so the Yellow face trait is always dominant unless a cross over occurs , so the result will be :
Firstly : If the female is pure YY and GG ( autosomal ) ( grey origins ) with the formula XPGGYY :
- All female birds are Yellow-face Lutino with the genetic formula XLGwYy .
- All male birds are White-face split to Lutino and Pearl with the formula XPXLGwYy . They carry the cheek patches and Whiteface traits as well .

Secondly : If the female is not pure and doesn't carry the White-face trait with the formula XPGGYy :
- All female birds are Lutino , half of them are Yellow-face with the genetic formula XLGwYy and the other half have cheek patches with the formula XLGwYy .
- All males are Normal Grey , half of them are Yellow-face with the genetic formula XPXLGwYy and the other half have cheek patches with the formula XPXLGwyy .

Thirdly : If the female is not pure Grey , carries the White-face trait and doesn't carry the cheek patches trait with the formula XPGwYY :
- All females are Yellow-Face , half of them are Lutino and the other half are Albino .
- Half of the males are White-face with the formula XPXLwwYy , and the other half are Yellow-face with the formula XPXLGwYy .

Fourthly if the female is impure in all cases with the formula XPGwYy: I leave this for u to calculate .

Question :

What is the result of pairing a Yellow-face male with a Normal Grey female ?

Answer :

Firstly : If the Yellow-face trait is a dominant autosomal trait , then the pure male formula will be XXGGYY and the female XGGyy so , all the offspring will be Yellow-face without knowing the gender of the chicks so that male bird will have the formula XXGGYy and female birds will have the formula XGGYy . The impure male formula is XXGGYy so half of the offspring will be Yellow-face as previous and the other half will be Normal Grey , males have the formula XXGGyy and females have the formula XGGyy .

Secondly : If the Yellow-face trait is a recessive autosomal trait , then the male formula will be XyXyGG and the female XYGG – where Y here indicates cheek patches trait - so , female birds will be Yellow-face with the formula XyGG and male birds will be Normal Grey with the formula XyXYGG .

Best wishes and good luck :)

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Breeder: cockatiels
PostPosted: Sat Jul 26, 2008 4:44 pm 
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Thanx, and thousands of thanx.

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Breeder: canaries
PostPosted: Sat Jul 26, 2008 5:37 pm 

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Dear brother Abdo Abu Seir ,

You're welcome and I hope everything is alright

Best wishes and good luck :)

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Breeder: cockatiels
PostPosted: Sat Jul 26, 2008 9:58 pm 

Joined: 02 Jul 2008
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Please be aware that Lutino Cockatiel's are more prone to health related problems than other mutations of cockatiels. They are more prone to respiratory problems and blindness. I myself have a 15 years lutino cockatiel who is blind with glaucoma and also struggles with respiratory problems. His condition is untreatable. There is not much you can do for a bird of his size. The surgery alone may be too much for his health and kill him. This is not the case for all lutino cockatiels, but I advise to take extra caution with thier health. Any time something is taken out of nature and mutated, most likely there will be side affects.

Ophthalmology. abnormally high fluid pressure in the eye, most commonly caused either by blockage of the channel through which aqueous humor drains (open-angle glaucoma or chronic glaucoma) or by pressure of the iris against the lens, which traps the aqueous humor (angle-closure glaucoma or acute glaucoma).

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Breeder: I do not breed birds, but I care for cockatiels and also volunteer at a bird sanctuary.
PostPosted: Mon Jul 28, 2008 11:16 am 

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Hi Lindsay ,

Thank u very much for the information !

Best wishes and good luck :)

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Breeder: cockatiels
PostPosted: Sun Aug 17, 2008 5:59 pm 
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sorry for being not around as i was busy with family.
Thank you Lindsay for these hints.
Could you explain more why are the Lutinos more prone to healthy problems than others ?

Working together sharing experience and knowledge.
Travailler ensemble le partage d'expérience et de connaissances.

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Breeder: canaries
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