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MessagePosté: Dim Sep 04, 2011 12:27 pm 
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Inscription: 20 Jan 2008
Age: 54
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Localisation: Palestine
genre: Homme

My dearest canary fans:

I made a video of two parts and included in it pictures of all kind of canary birds.

I hope you enjoy.

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Eleveur: canaries
MessagePosté: Dim Sep 04, 2011 2:41 pm 
Global moderator
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Inscription: 11 Juil 2011
Age: 51
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Localisation: USA
genre: Homme

Wow, Thank you so much for this nice work. Really I enjoyed watching it. Pictures worth more than million words.
By watching this video carefully, I think everyone can differentiate between all types and breeds of canaries.
Again, Thanks for this nice topic and looking to see more from such an experienced brother like you.


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Eleveur: Canary
MessagePosté: Mar Sep 06, 2011 2:35 pm 
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Inscription: 16 Juil 2011
Messages: 72
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Localisation: Jordan
genre: Homme

My brother Abu Rami Video Beautiful Thank you Subject Wonderful


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Eleveur: Canary
MessagePosté: Mer Sep 14, 2011 1:52 pm 

Inscription: 02 Aoû 2011
Messages: 10
Sujets: 10
Localisation: Thailand
genre: Homme

Thank you for this very wonderful videos.
I am only sad about one description. You know, I am a German breeder and I like the German Crested Canary, but in your desription you called this bird Crested Colour Canary.

Sorry, I am very, very sad.

I can download this videos and archive for myself ?

Best Regards

Best Regards
Werner Krueger

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Eleveur: Canaries, Gouldian Finches, Long-Tailed Finches, Splendid Parakeets
MessagePosté: Mer Sep 21, 2011 3:11 pm 
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Inscription: 13 Juil 2011
Age: 42
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Localisation: Syria - Aleppo
genre: Homme

Alsalam alaikom wa rahmat alaah taala wa barkath - Hi all

Mr. Abdo Abu Seir Thank you sir wonderful :mrgreen:

. Image Abo aljoud Image .


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Eleveur: Syrian Canary (Balady), But I wish to breed all kinds of Canaries & mosaic & Golden finch
MessagePosté: Jeu Sep 29, 2011 5:21 pm 
Site Admin
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Inscription: 20 Jan 2008
Age: 54
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Localisation: Palestine
genre: Homme

Werner a écrit:
Thank you for this very wonderful videos.
I am only sad about one description. You know, I am a German breeder and I like the German Crested Canary, but in your desription you called this bird Crested Colour Canary.

Sorry, I am very, very sad.

I can download this videos and archive for myself ?

Best Regards

Me who should be sorry and sad.
It is not my fault as I hove a source from which I take all the list of birds.

But as I know the German canary or crested German Canary is not colored?!!!

If you have pictures you can share us.
and we will be more happy to know more about the German crested canary.

You have my permission to download what you like.

Thank you

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Eleveur: canaries
MessagePosté: Ven Oct 07, 2011 11:04 pm 

Inscription: 07 Oct 2011
Messages: 34
Sujets: 31
Localisation: Spain
genre: Homme

Very interesting and beautiful pictures.
I missed some new mutations like “Jaspe Simple Dilution and Jaspe Double Dilution”, have you seen these birds?
Thank you
Best Regards

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Eleveur: Canary: Red and Yellow.
MessagePosté: Jeu Oct 13, 2011 5:28 pm 
Site Admin
Site Admin
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Inscription: 20 Jan 2008
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Localisation: Palestine
genre: Homme

Aliskander a écrit:
Very interesting and beautiful pictures.
I missed some new mutations like “Jaspe Simple Dilution and Jaspe Double Dilution”, have you seen these birds?
Thank you
Best Regards

Yes that is right, as the source did not mention them, The Jaspe is consider new mutation.

Yes I saw them but in pictures their is no Jaspe in my country may it will takes time to breed it.

Their are topics about the origin of Jaspe and the new its new mutations in the Arabic community.

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Travailler ensemble le partage d'expérience et de connaissances.

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Eleveur: canaries
MessagePosté: Dim Oct 16, 2011 4:44 am 

Inscription: 02 Aoû 2011
Messages: 10
Sujets: 10
Localisation: Thailand
genre: Homme

Dear Abdo Abu Seir,

Sorry for my delayed answer because since the last few weeks my home is flooded and I must evacuate my birds.
We call every kind of normal crested Canary German Crest Canary. In January 2011 I visited the last German Championship in Bad Salzuflen.
One category was the German Crest . I saw this bird in every kind of colour, include white yellow, red – also in every kind of Melanin
After the problem in my home is finished, I will write something more about the Genetic and the difference in the breeding of Colours or a good Crest.
Thank you for your understanding.
Best Regards

Werner Krueger


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Best Regards
Werner Krueger

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Eleveur: Canaries, Gouldian Finches, Long-Tailed Finches, Splendid Parakeets
MessagePosté: Dim Oct 16, 2011 4:49 am 

Inscription: 02 Aoû 2011
Messages: 10
Sujets: 10
Localisation: Thailand
genre: Homme

More German Crest Canaries

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Best Regards
Werner Krueger

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Eleveur: Canaries, Gouldian Finches, Long-Tailed Finches, Splendid Parakeets
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