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 Sujet du message: Opening of canaryfans Tube
MessagePosté: Mar Mar 13, 2012 5:07 pm 
Global moderator
Global moderator

Inscription: 11 Juil 2011
Age: 51
Messages: 137
Sujets: 137
Localisation: USA
genre: Homme

The administration of the International Community of Aviculture is pleased to announce the opening of its new channel "Canaryfans Tube" ..

A new and distinct service provided by ICA for the first time for all members and bird’s fans. The new channel, will serve as a gallery for videos of all birds of different types and all activities of related fields.

Members can register now in this new channel and then easily handle at his/her convenient all various contents and watching different videos loaded on the channel related to birds of all classifications like Canary, Budgie, Zebra ,cockatiel ... etc. with the possibility of reviewing watched videos and most watched.

The channel also allows the member as soon as he/she logged on to suggest videos related to birds and their activities from other sites such as YouTube, Google, daily motion or other sites, and allows more than 30 video sites you can offer them.

Basically you can suggest a video by doing the following:
After you sign in go to the middle right of the page

Click on suggest a video.

Video URL: Select a site from the list.

Category: Select a type of bird in the video.

Artist: name of the video author .

File Name: log file name (put his name from the video site, or any suitable name).

Description: Can be taken from the same description on YouTube, for example, or place any description appropriately.

* You can put a thumbnail of the video, or the program can automatically place the image at any proposed video from YouTube for example.

Then send the file.

* Any video proposed must receive the approval of the administrator, so please wait for approval.

* Page provides you with a diverse of possibilities and services where you can select the language of the page (we have many), post and publish videos via social networking sites, send them to your friends via their e-mail, notification on any video if it is disabled or is against the laws of our community or the rights of the video. You can do video search using multiple search options , add your comments on videos, upload an avatar for you in your profile, add video to favorites. The top of the page has a motion bar posts the newest videos so that they are always up to date.

We appreciate all of the Outstanding Achievement of our ICA and I would like to thank our administrator Dr. Abdo Abu Seir for getting this channel to life where it will be our library of films, videos, and anything about different kinds of birds and their life’s. Dr. Abdo Abu Seir,, again thank you on the continuing efforts made by you on the appearance of this channel to light.

Please click the following site to go to our new channel


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