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MessagePosté: Sam Mar 03, 2012 3:46 pm 

Inscription: 07 Oct 2011
Messages: 34
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Localisation: Spain
genre: Homme

Hi all; I would like to introduce to those who doesn’t know yet about this mutation, and to show you all, beautiful birds.
This mutation with pigmented beaks has also the paws and nails pigmented and also the inside of the toes is much more orange or yellow, the feathers are softer and pigmented till the end, even in the frosted, but in this case less intensively at the end of the feather, in the mosaic canary the white feathers may result pigmented.
It appeared in the 2nd half of 20th century in different countries in Europe like Belgium and Holland, and later brought to Spain and the USA, it also came into view in South America. I’ve no evidence where this mutation appeared first.
At the beginning the breeders had lots of problems with these birds because of serious problems in health, many had neurologyc problems with uncoordinated movements, many became blind, they also had problems with the artificial intense red pigments like carophyll. I think, this is the reason why this mutation wasn’t very popular at first and just a few breeders took the hard work of selecting the fine birds trough decades. Actually all that is over nevertheless a bit of bad fame still persists, and breeders of this variety are difficult to find, at least in Spain. How is it like in your countries? Let us know about it.

I could see them for first time, in the house of Mr. Lozano a distinguished Spanish breeder in whose web you may see apart from the red and yellow beak’s canaries, many other types of birds and hybrids, you have to sail through the web, it’s in Spanish but the photos are worth to be seen.
Photos of red beaks from an other breeder from Spain; ... -results=8
Photos of red beaks from a breeder from Belgium; ... -beak.html
A video of a red beak from the web of Canary Review… ... n-red-beak
A distinguished breeder from Brazil Mr. Alvaro Blasina deserves a special mention, for the excellent work done with this mutation for many decades, bringing up many beautiful healthy canaries, he is also taking care of presenting birds towards the recognition of this mutation as a new variety, in the World’s Championships and has already pass the first year successfully, it was presented in Europe in the “Reggio Emilia 2002” contest in Italy. In Brazil they have called this variety “Urucum”, like a red seed of a popular Brazilian plant.
More photos…

And that’s all folks, I hope you’ll enjoy them.
Best regards

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Eleveur: Canary: Red and Yellow.
MessagePosté: Dim Mar 04, 2012 4:20 pm 
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Inscription: 20 Jan 2008
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Yes we knew about it and we have some arabic threads introducing this new mutation.
The first site that I knew about is from Brazil, so I think it is Brazil which first discovered it.
Here in Arabic countries no one see it or breed it.

Thank you

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Eleveur: canaries
MessagePosté: Dim Mar 04, 2012 4:29 pm 
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Inscription: 11 Juil 2011
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Thank you Aliskander for this topic about the Red Beak's Canary. I really enjoyed it and enjoyed watching the photos.
Do you have an idea why they have these health issues, which they avoided later on by good selection?

Best wishes


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Eleveur: Canary
MessagePosté: Dim Mar 04, 2012 10:54 pm 

Inscription: 07 Oct 2011
Messages: 34
Sujets: 31
Localisation: Spain
genre: Homme

Really not, I do not know the reason of those problems, I guess all should be done is to avoid consanguinity at all and a careful use of artificial pigments with special attention to our bird’s lever.
Last year I was close to buy a couple of red-beaks, but at the end I decided not to buy, because I just found a single source of this variety and I rather use at least two different sources to set on the couples for breeding.
In the following web of Mr. Alvaro Blasina actually the world’s main breeder in this variety, tells us about the origin in the middle of the decade of 1990, in the city of Resende, in the aviary of Mr. Rogerio Diniz and Mr. Maercio Laranjo appeared the first Read-Beak of South America, but doesn’t tell much about the origin of mentioned diseases, it does say that all those problems all over yet.
It was presented in Europe in 2003 and not in 2002 as I said before…
I’m glad you’ve enjoyed the photos
Best Regards

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Eleveur: Canary: Red and Yellow.
MessagePosté: Dim Mar 04, 2012 10:56 pm 
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Inscription: 16 Juil 2011
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Localisation: Jordan
genre: Homme

Thank you brother Aliskander and God bless you for your participation this wonderful

Hallelujah great Blfl this is strange

Can see very Canary beak color orange or yellow

But the dye had better leave the bird on the nature

If the new mutation would have been much nicer

Thank you for sharing these beautiful pictures

With greetings to you


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Eleveur: Canary
MessagePosté: Dim Mar 04, 2012 11:00 pm 

Inscription: 07 Oct 2011
Messages: 34
Sujets: 31
Localisation: Spain
genre: Homme

You’re welcome.
Best Regards

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Eleveur: Canary: Red and Yellow.
MessagePosté: Lun Mar 05, 2012 5:56 pm 
Global moderator
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Inscription: 11 Juil 2011
Age: 51
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Thank you for your reply.
Best wishes


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Eleveur: Canary
MessagePosté: Lun Avr 09, 2012 6:00 pm 
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Inscription: 13 Juil 2011
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Localisation: Syria - Aleppo
genre: Homme

Alsalam alaikom wa rahmat alaah taala wa barkath - Hi all

My brother Aliskander
Thank you for this information and links
Thank you to all those involved
I hope that the intent is clear because my English is weak :mrgreen:

. Image Abo aljoud Image .


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Eleveur: Syrian Canary (Balady), But I wish to breed all kinds of Canaries & mosaic & Golden finch
MessagePosté: Ven Avr 13, 2012 5:44 pm 

Inscription: 07 Oct 2011
Messages: 34
Sujets: 31
Localisation: Spain
genre: Homme

Thank you brother, you are welcome.
God bless the people of Syria and bring you the peace soon.
Best regards

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Eleveur: Canary: Red and Yellow.
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