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MessagePosté: Jeu Mar 01, 2012 9:45 pm 

Inscription: 07 Oct 2011
Messages: 34
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Localisation: Spain
genre: Homme

Hi all; Spirulina is truly one of the most nutritionally packed whole green super food in the world, perfect as a dietary supplement for our birds. There is no fruit, vegetable or meat that can provide such complete protein to meet the nutritional needs of the human and animal’s body.

Disclaimer: This article I found in Internet contains information about a nutritional supplement which has been found useful in many bird rooms, it is available in most pet shops. I am not a medical professional, a veterinarian, or an herbalist and therefore I am not qualified to diagnose illness or recommend treatment for your pets. The information contained in this article is presented for educational purposes only. No warranty or guarantee of a cure is expressed or implied with any information in this article, nor do I make any representations regarding the use or the results obtained with the information. In no event shall I be liable for any loss or damage whatsoever which may arise from the use of this information. Use this information at your own discretion.

Spirulina (arthrospira plantensis): is a microscopic multi-cellular spiral-shaped microorganism, one of the first and simplest life form to exist on the earth for over 500 million years. It flourishes in warm climates and alkaline water, particularly those rich in mineral salts, where few other organisms can survive, and can tolerate a wide range of temperatures whilst retaining all its nutrients. It belongs to the family of blue-green algae because it contains both chlorophyll (providing green pigment) and phycocyanin (blue pigment).

The unusual aspect of spirulina, which separates it from true algae, is that is has no nucleus, the hard cellulose membrane characteristic of plant cells, yet spirulina's metabolic system is based on photosynthesis, a process of direct food energy production utilizing sunlight and chlorophyll, which is typical of plant life forms.

It requires no special processing and is fully digestable, and although it has been used as a food for more than 500 years, it became commercially available only at the beginning of the 1970s. It was selected by NASA (National Aeronautics and Space Administration) and the European Space Agency as one of the primary foods to be cultivated during long-term space missions. By the year 2020, according to, worldwide Spirulina production is expected to reach 220,000 tons.

Spirulina is one of the most sterile foods on earth extremely high in energy containing all the B vitamins, which are themselves synonymous with high energy. Its minerals and vitamins are naturally bio-chelated, meaning they are wrapped in amino-acids for excellent assimilation by the body. It is one of nature's richest and most complete source of whole natural nutrition containing over 100 synergistic nutrients, amongst which are:

• Protein - 65%-70% of its weight, 3 times as much as that found in beef
• Iron - 58 times richer than spinach
• Gamma Linolenic Acid (GLA) - 3 times than Evening Primrose Oil
• Vitamin B12 - often lacking in vegetarian diets
• Chlorophyll - 2 times richer than barley grass and wheatgrass
• Antioxidants - 25 times richer in beta-carotene than raw carrots
• Photonutrients - 31 times more potent than blueberries, 60 times more potent than spinach and 700 more potent than apples
• Phycocyanin - shown to be an antioxidant and to have anti-tumour activity
Much research has been conducted into spirulina’s many potential health benefits, including:
• Stimulating the immune system
• Lowering cholesterol and blood pressure
• Fighting against cancer
• Improving resistance to infections and viruses
• Promoting the formation of red blood cells
• Enhancing intestinal health
• Relieving of arthritis
• Detoxification
• Balancing body’s pH

More info about Spirulina in… ... supplement)

Best regards

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Eleveur: Canary: Red and Yellow.
MessagePosté: Dim Mar 04, 2012 4:37 pm 
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Thank you Aliskander for sharing this topic with us. Spirulina has 62% amino acid content. It is the world's richest source of vitamin B12 and antioxidant beta-carotene. It can double bird production especially in Canaries and Finches due to its effect on increasing fertility. It can be added to egg food beside wheat germ, which gives you a good recipe for your birds.

Many thanks
Best wishes


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Eleveur: Canary
MessagePosté: Dim Mar 04, 2012 4:40 pm 
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Thank you very much.
This one of the most important mutrition for our canaires and we have many breeders use it.

It has very rich elements, essential mineral, essenstial vitamins, essenstial protien, essensntial fats and others.

you can put 5 g of the powder to 1kg of patee from the begining of the breeding period untill the end of moulting period.

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Eleveur: canaries
MessagePosté: Dim Mar 04, 2012 9:45 pm 

Inscription: 07 Oct 2011
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Localisation: Spain
genre: Homme

You’re welcome.
Best Regards

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Eleveur: Canary: Red and Yellow.
MessagePosté: Dim Mar 04, 2012 10:20 pm 
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Inscription: 16 Juil 2011
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Thank you to my brother Aliskander on this subject useful for the first time I hear

in this product and you are waiting for more of the topics useful with all due respect to you


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Eleveur: Canary
MessagePosté: Dim Mar 04, 2012 10:57 pm 

Inscription: 07 Oct 2011
Messages: 34
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Localisation: Spain
genre: Homme

You’re welcome.
Best Regards

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Eleveur: Canary: Red and Yellow.
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