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MessagePosté: Mar Jan 24, 2012 5:12 pm 
Global moderator
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Inscription: 11 Juil 2011
Age: 51
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Localisation: USA
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That's bad. Is it because of the airline policy or something else?. From what I know we can bring birds from Spain to Jordan; its one of the OK countries.
I hope the problem will be solved.


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Eleveur: Canary
MessagePosté: Mar Jan 24, 2012 6:26 pm 

Inscription: 21 Jan 2012
Messages: 4
Sujets: 2
Localisation: Jordan
genre: Homme

It's just the airlines. Turkish airlines. I'm trying to sort things out with a different airline or through a freight agency.
I'll see.

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Eleveur: Canaries
MessagePosté: Mar Jan 24, 2012 10:14 pm 

Inscription: 07 Oct 2011
Messages: 34
Sujets: 31
Localisation: Spain
genre: Homme

Hi all, I have just notice Monther’s problems, I’m afraid it’s to late now but I’ll give him a call tomorrow morning, I hope it wont be too late.
Last Friday I spent the whole day at the 60º Ornithology Word Championship, in Almeria, Spain. It was my first time at a contest of this size and entity, and it is really great, there were thousands of canaries of all breeds, I could take sight of some varieties I had seen only in photographs. There were also a lot of beautiful birds of all types, Hybrids, European Fauna, Exotics, Parrots, and many more…
I had the chance to meet Mr. Jose Antonio Abellan, “the father of the Jaspe mutation”, and Mr. Mariano Guerrero, an other prominent breeder of Jaspes to whom I had bought (By mail) last autumn my male Black-Jaspe DD Yellow Intensive, which picture from 2010 by chance had been selected to appear in the emblem of the “European Jaspe Club” in France, which is a blue background with a ring made with yellow stars, and “my canary” in the middle., you can see it in the following web…
http://club-europeen-du-jaspe.skyrock.c ... JASPE.html
Actually he is nearly three years old, and looks a bit more yellowish and his beak and legs are a bit less dark, but he is steel a beautiful bird.
I could also meet some of the world’s main companies in ornithology products, I saw the new cages made of Plexiglas, others to use as a “photo scenery” with natural branches and background, they are really nice. You can see them in this web…
I also had the opportunity to buy things for the birds that are difficult to find in my home town.
Here are the webs of some companies that could be of interest …
I’m sorry I’d a problem with the camera and I can’t afford any photographs.
Best regards.

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Eleveur: Canary: Red and Yellow.
MessagePosté: Jeu Jan 26, 2012 5:27 am 
Global moderator
Global moderator

Inscription: 11 Juil 2011
Age: 51
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Sujets: 137
Localisation: USA
genre: Homme

I hope everything will go well with you.


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Eleveur: Canary
MessagePosté: Jeu Jan 26, 2012 5:30 am 
Global moderator
Global moderator

Inscription: 11 Juil 2011
Age: 51
Messages: 137
Sujets: 137
Localisation: USA
genre: Homme

So happy to hear that you will contact monther. And I would like to thank you for giving us this brief summary about the championship.
Many thanks


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Eleveur: Canary
MessagePosté: Lun Juil 09, 2012 10:22 am 

Inscription: 06 Juil 2012
Messages: 2
Sujets: 1
genre: Rien de précisé

For: Aliskander
Good morning,
You can also find the innovative Orniplex "Invisible Cage" on the official online shop:

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Eleveur: canary
MessagePosté: Lun Oct 22, 2012 8:52 pm 

Inscription: 06 Juil 2012
Messages: 2
Sujets: 1
genre: Rien de précisé

I invite you to see more photos:

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Eleveur: canary
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