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MessagePosté: Dim Oct 30, 2011 3:53 am 
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Caring of your canary birds, and it also applies for any kind of birds you have

- Keep them away from drafts
o Draft can kill your canary. Keep the cage away from any kind of heat vent, air conditioning, fans, and air draft ways. How to know if the cage in a drafty area? Basically, hold a candle next to your cage, if the flame starts to flicker, the answer, yes your canary should not be kept in such environment.

- Keep them from direct sunlight
o Direct sunlight can kill your birds causing a heat shock. Sun light is good for your bird, but direct and strong one kills it. Put your bird in sunlight either in the morning or before sun set, when the sun starts to cool down. With that, stay close to your bird and if you start seeing him/her panting or feeling uncomfortable, get him/her inside. Also, you can cover half of the cage with a piece of cloth, so if your bird felt hot, he can get to shade.

- Water
o One of the most important things you have to watch for. Canary has a high metabolic rate and cannot live without water for more than 24 hours. Always give daily fresh water in clean water drinkers. If you plan a vacation make sure to leave your bird with plenty of water and increase the number of drinkers in the cage of course with plenty of food (but water is the most important).

- Seeds
o The basic canary diet is made of seed. Seed should be supplied all time. You should supply a mixture of seed like mix canary seeds, millet, Niger, and rape seed.

- Other food
o Boiled egg is a good source of protein especially during breeding time and rearing chicks. Give them green vegetables and fruits. Lettuce, carrots, broccoli, apple, … are so appreciated by your canary but feed them in an appropriate way and not too much as they can cause diarrhea and runny feces.

- Cuttlebone
o An important source of calcium for your birds at all time especially in the breeding season and laying eggs. Cuttlebone is the squid skeleton and it is made almost of calcium.

- Vitamins
o If you feed a balanced diet that has seeds, veggie, fruits, eggs, the need for vitamins is minimal. In some situations, you have to give them vitamin supplement like during sickness, stress, moving, and molting, and if you supplied them with vitamins once in a month for a few days that will be ok.

- Cleaning
o So important to keep a healthy canary bird. Give clean water and diets every day in a clean feeders and drinkers. Clean the cage at least once a week. Clean and disinfect the drinkers and feeders once a week. Clean the perches once a week and place them in a way that bird droppings do not get directly on them.

- Mites
o Watch for them as they are considered one of your bird’s silent killers. With good cleaning you will not see them. Use a good cleaning disinfectant and spray the surrounding area and the cage once a month. keep the surrounding area clean all time. Use ivermectine, twice a year; a month before the breeding season and after the birds end the breading season. Spray your birds when you see mites. When you buy new birds, also it is recommended to use ivermectine on them.

- Nail trimming
o Once a year just before the breeding season or whenever it is needed. Use a regular nail clippers (the one that we use for our nails) and make sure to go carful not cutting through the nail vein, if it happens by mistake use flour on the nail and apply pressure it will stop bleeding.

Thank you and best wishes


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Eleveur: Canary
MessagePosté: Lun Oct 31, 2011 7:41 pm 
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Thank you very much.

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Eleveur: canaries
MessagePosté: Mar Nov 01, 2011 3:27 am 
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Inscription: 11 Juil 2011
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You are more than welcome brother Abu-Seir


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Eleveur: Canary
MessagePosté: Jeu Fév 16, 2012 6:33 pm 
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Inscription: 16 Juil 2011
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Thank you for my brother Abu Suhaib this wonderful and beautiful

and the God bless you and God richly rewarded Dzak


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