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 Sujet du message: Taming problems
MessagePosté: Lun Sep 08, 2008 12:14 am 

Inscription: 10 Juin 2008
Messages: 98
Sujets: 44
genre: Rien de précisé

Hi everybody ,

In this topic we will discuss taming problems that we might face during handfeeding our baby parrots !

As a beginner in handfeeding , the whole process isn't very easy for you . And you will enter a twister full of perplexing questions . So I decided to put the problems that faced me when I was a beginner in a question and answer form .

1- What sort of food should I feed my parrot ?

- Handfeeding formula is the best food you can offer your parrot , and if its not available in your country you can use the human baby formula ( Nestle or any other brand but only with wheat ) . Plus adding some ground calcareous during preparing the formula or you can use any source of calcium as a substitute . This is the main formula that should be fed daily . From time to time you can add a bit of honey as a natural source of carbohydrates .

2- What's the best tool I can use in handfeeding ?

- There are several tools that you can use in handfeeding your baby bird , but in my opinion a syringe is the best as it's easy to use , besides it never harms birds beaks . A spoon might result in a beak flexure .

3- How much food should I feed my bird ?

- Each bird has his own size , as a result the quantity of food required for a bird won't be the same for another bird . So to overcome that problem , we feed the bird until its crop is full but we should take care not to let the food reach the birds neck . Then after the bird digests the food and its crop is almost empty we start feeding him the next meal and so on .. !
We shouldn't make a schedule for the bird to eat on , not to let the bird feel hungry .


4- How do I use the syringe ?

- The first step is preparing the food , then we fill the syringe with it and start feeding the baby bird . The syringe is directed inside the birds beak from its left to the right , then we start to drip the food and make sure that the food drops are swallowed then we push the syringe slightly . But we must be cautious not to harm the birds throat with the tip of the syringe . We then keep on feeding the bird until his crop is full .

5- My bird never stops crying for food even when his crop is full ?

- As long as the crop is full below the neck so the bird doesn't need extra food . In this case just try keeping the bird warm , because it might be feeling cold . And don't feed him until his crop is almost empty . If you feed the bird it might suffocate , or the food might become sour causing a sour crop resulting in the birds death .

6- Do I make my baby bird drink ?
- Your baby bird can't drink by his own so you should help him drink water through the syringe from time to time . But take care during letting him drink , because water might stream through his respiratory tract causing death .

There are some other problems that you can face like :

1- During feeding the bird some drops might fall on the bird feather and if left for a long time they solidify and become very difficult to be removed . So after each meal we use a warm wet sponge and rub the sides of the beak gently and clean any food drops all over its body immediately before getting hard .

2- The absence of crop and back feathers which is due to the lack of mineral salts especially calcium , so we add ground calcareous or any other substitute to the formula .

3- The bird is too thin , and this is due to the lack of protein and especially before weaning process . To over come that a hard boiled egg and a carrot cooked in boiled water are ground in the food processor until they get creamy then are fed to the bird on a weekly basis as a " gaining weight diet " as I like to name .

4- If a very little amount of food entered the birds respiratory tract then the bird will get rid of it through sneezing , but if its too much its better to consult the veterinarian .

These are the most common problems that I faced when I was a beginner . Hope they are useful for all other beginners and practitioners !

Best wishes and good luck :)

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