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 Sujet du message: Training steps ( Phase 1)
MessagePosté: Lun Sep 08, 2008 12:36 am 

Inscription: 10 Juin 2008
Messages: 98
Sujets: 44
genre: Rien de précisé

Hi everybody !

Last topic was about preparing the parrot to the training process . In this topic we'll discuss the first steps that should be done to have a well trained parrot . I read a lot about training so I collected some exercises I found in books which had positive results on my bird , plus some techniques that I devised , which will be reviewed among the series of the coming topics .

Before starting I want to clarify some issues , which ease the process of training :

1- The parrot should know " Who is the boss ? " .

2- The parrot should be totally tame and in a good mood .

3- Choosing a suitable quiet place for training , where no people exist ( just the parrot and his trainer ) at least in the first earliest sessions .

4- Reward the parrot when he does the right command , and never reward him when he does it the wrong way , just give him another chance .

The first step in training is considered the most important step , as the parrot gets the idea of " who is the boss ? " .

I've made a training program which is easy for every beginner in that process and it really helps .

Phase one is divided into the two main exercises :

Exercise one ( the treat ) :

The parrot is put against the trainer at or bellow his level . The treat is the reward that is given to the parrot when it does the right command . The trainer has to specify the treat ( type of food ) that the parrot likes most , which isn't included in it's daily meal . The trainer specifies a special sound ( e.g. a knock ) , then he knocks , the parrot will hear that sound , then the trainer rewards the parrot with the treat immediately . That exercise is repeated 10 successive times . It aims to let the parrot understand that every time it hears that sound ( knock ) , it will have a treat immediately .


Exercise two ( the step up and down command ) :

The parrot is put against the trainer at or bellow his level . The trainer puts his hand in front of the parrot parallel to his chest , then says the word " up " ( this is a command ) in an encouraging voice . If the parrot steps up by his own after hearing the command , the trainer knocks and rewards the parrot immediately ( exercise 1 ) . If the parrot doesn't respond to that command , the trainer gives him a hint , he puts his finger close to both of the birds thighs and says " up " , so the parrot will step up as a reflex action then the trainer rewards him ( exercise 1 ) . The trainer repeats that until the parrot gets the idea , then he tries the previous step again .





Before putting the parrot in his cage or on a perch or something like that . We have to teach it the step down command . The trainer asks the parrot to step up , after that he gets his hand close to that thing and says " down " , sliding the parrot gently to get down from his hand . When the parrot gets down , the trainer rewards him immediately ( exercise 1 ) .

That way it will be easier to get the parrot out of his cage and letting him in again .

If the parrot doesn't respond to any of the previous exercises , you must not reward him or else he won't respond for good . Just try again on another day or on a later time , because the parrot might not be in a good mood for training . Don't try to train the parrot before his sleeping time . Choose the time when the parrot is trying to play with you and when he is sort of " hyperactive " .

Best wishes and good luck :)

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