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 Sujet du message: G'day
MessagePosté: Ven Juil 22, 2011 12:52 pm 
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Inscription: 22 Juil 2011
Age: 31
Messages: 3
Sujets: 3
Localisation: Australia
genre: Homme

Just a quick hello and a few words about myself, love everything bird in fact would go as far as to say live for them. My home is like a refuge for unwanted and abandoned birds, regardless of shape and size I'll care from them all. Anyway hope to talk and share stories with all you parrot lovers, cheers for now. ;)


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Eleveur: Lovebirds
 Sujet du message: Re: G'day
MessagePosté: Ven Juil 22, 2011 1:55 pm 
Global moderator
Global moderator

Inscription: 11 Juil 2011
Age: 51
Messages: 137
Sujets: 137
Localisation: USA
genre: Homme

Good to see you as a new member in our community. What you are doing regard the unwanted and abandoned birds is some thing should be really appreciated by everyone. Hope you will enjoy being here, and find friends who will share with you the Parrot Love


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Eleveur: Canary
 Sujet du message: Re: G'day
MessagePosté: Ven Juil 22, 2011 6:54 pm 

Inscription: 16 Juil 2011
Messages: 17
Sujets: 15
Localisation: jordan
genre: Homme

welcome between your brother's bro
pleasure for us brother :)
welcome again

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Eleveur: canary's
 Sujet du message: Re: G'day
MessagePosté: Lun Aoû 08, 2011 6:46 pm 
Site Admin
Site Admin
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Inscription: 20 Jan 2008
Age: 55
Messages: 172
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Localisation: Palestine
genre: Homme

We welcome you mostly welcome.
Thank you very uch for adding our community to you directory and thank you more for joining us.

Working together sharing experience and knowledge.
Travailler ensemble le partage d'expérience et de connaissances.

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