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PostPosted: Mon Jul 18, 2011 5:59 pm 

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hello again ....
i wanna talk about some thing important at the canaries life ...
let's say it is like four season's changed with the weather and the Atmosphere u make them live in.
the point is i wanna keep my canaries healthy ( good ) and make your bird just get in rest time how ever if he where had gettin in married or not ...

what is the steps that i should do now to make my bird get into Molting ??
the first thing u had to do is put the bird into place dosent make the sun light get into
and then light the spot inside the room at level 3 or 2 we just need as much Light light and then
put an plastic bag on the cage around it, don't cover the cage from the up side ....

black plastic bag <<< we need to light evrey thing around the bird

now we should wait for like 3 to weeks and then the bird well start to get rid of the feathers after we see the bird starts that we well back him to his normal life but we can't make him married in this time cuz it is an ( rest time ) for the bird at the year .....

after like 3 months from getting rid of the feathers u can make him get married < same with the female >

u had to feed it well and u must change the food kinds evrey day
u can feed it half egg every day if u want to, no problem with that

i wish i wasent wrong in my information about these seasons for the bird

special thanks

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Breeder: canary's
PostPosted: Wed Jul 20, 2011 6:56 am 
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My brother quick.silver a good topic thank you

I wish the best for all



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Breeder: Canary
PostPosted: Wed Jul 20, 2011 10:27 am 

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brother Mohammed Alvhmawi it's a pleasure to see you here with us
thank you brother ....
i knew that already i diden't wright or talk in english from long time im tryin to spell better at my topic's
wish it is understandabl for evrey one
welcome again brother

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Breeder: canary's
PostPosted: Fri Jul 22, 2011 4:05 pm 
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Ok, Mr. Quick Silver, we will give you a chance to keep practicing and warming up in your English Skills :D . And feel free to write whatever you want "Do Not Get Shy" we are learning in this life :geek:


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Breeder: Canary
PostPosted: Fri Jul 22, 2011 7:11 pm 

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hehe , i'll keep it up :D
thanks abu sohaib

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Breeder: canary's
PostPosted: Mon Aug 08, 2011 6:44 pm 
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Thank you very much quick.silver

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Breeder: canaries
PostPosted: Thu Sep 22, 2011 9:56 am 
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Alsalam alaikom wa rahmat alaah taala wa barkath - Hi all

Brother Hamza
Thank you good advice on important
And molting stages of the mission, in the life of the Canary
Subject of great
I hope that the intent is clear because my English is weak :mrgreen:

. Image Abo aljoud Image .


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Breeder: Syrian Canary (Balady), But I wish to breed all kinds of Canaries & mosaic & Golden finch
PostPosted: Sun Oct 16, 2011 1:16 am 

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Hi Mr. Quicksilver;
I would like to tell you about a different way of dealing with the moult and breeding in order to keep your canaries healthy and happy.

First we should consider how the life of a wild canary is. Canaries have a certain season for mating and breeding, mainly from the end of winter till the end of spring after this comes the moult, which will naturally occurs in the hottest months, in between the summer and beginning of autumn, the rest of autumn and winter the bird should rest and be prepared for the next breeding season. All this happens in harmony with the environment in the nature, temperatures, hours of sun light, and availability of food, are determining the life of the canary and its different periods’ time and order.
So if we want to keep our canaries healthy and happy we should imitate the nature as much as possible.

About the moult: I would not intend to get the bird get in to moult, it will start it at the right moment by itself, what we should do when the moult starts is to provide the bird the care and alimentation needed in this period, some breeders intending to reduce the time the moult takes, keep their birds in a quite and dark place during the moult, they do that to get a better pigmentation in the feathers of the birds, but if canaries have a clean big cage better wide and long than tall, availability of bath, and they have the right food and vitamins needed in this period, they will moult naturally in the best way, with no problems at all. Others moults out of its natural season may be caused by different origins and are not being considered at this moment.

Three months after the moult has ended, I start to prepare the females for the next breeding season, females should be prepared for at least 2 or 3 months, for the males will be enough with 1 or 2, with the right specific food for breeders, and with minerals and specific vitamins.

About using boiled eggs: As far as the special food for breeders usually has egg and many proteins and “aminoacids” included, no extra egg is necessary, any way after the fourth day of life of the small ones we may give them half of the chock three times a week, it should be retired out if not consumed in 4 or 5 hours to prevent bacteria grown, even less time if the whether is very hot.

Some breeders may start breeding in December or January, quiet before the natural season of breeding, by specific alimentation and increasing the hours of light in an artificial way, all of this to enlarge the breeding season and breed 4 or 5 times instead of the 2 or 3 recommended. This can be done, but I prefer a natural way ruled by the nature, About this “extrabreding” in my country is said that “what you gain one year you will lose it in the one year”.

I hope you’ll like this point of view.

Best regards

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Breeder: Canary: Red and Yellow.
PostPosted: Sun Oct 16, 2011 3:23 pm 
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Good points, I agree with you.
What you said about the boiled eggs and the special breeding food is right. But till now, most of the members in this community are using boiled eggs because the food that they provide to their birds lack eggs. What they are offering is the different kinds of seeds, vegetables, and fruits so adding boiled eggs is a must.

Briefly, if I do not use the special blend of breeding food that has eggs, I have to supply eggs for my birds as one of the important nutritional food during certain periods of their life.

Best wishes
Looking to hear back from you


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Breeder: Canary
PostPosted: Sun Oct 16, 2011 5:19 pm 

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Thankyou very much for your reply.
Best wishes.

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Breeder: Canary: Red and Yellow.
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