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 Post subject: Food toxic to canaries
PostPosted: Tue Aug 09, 2011 4:44 am 
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- It affects the birds digestive system causing vomiting and diarrhea. Advanced cases cause central nervous system problems leading to seizures and death

Apple seeds
- Seeds contain trace amounts of Cyanide. The fruit by itself is not toxic but make sure to clean it good to get ride of any pesticide residues.

- The skin had been known to cause cardiac distress and heart failure in bird species. The toxin persin is mostly found in the leaves causing respiratory distress and heart failure.

- Small amount is considered safe. High amount of onions causes vomiting, diarrhea, and other digestive problems. It has been found that feeding onion for prolonged time can lead to a blood condition called hemolytic anemia followed by respiratory distress and death.

- Causes digestive upset in birds. Some varieties can induce liver failure.

Eggplant, potato, tomato leaves, and green potatoes
- The stems, vines, and leaves are highly toxic to your bird. Make sure to clean and sliced, with the green parts removed, so that your bird will avoid exposure to any toxins.
Their leaves contain alkaloids that are poisonous for birds. Symptoms include vomiting, diarrhea, and difficulty breathing.

- Regulated amount is needed, too much salt can lead to health problems in birds, including excessive thirst, dehydration, kidney dysfunction.

Raw Beans
- Contain trypsin inhibitor that works against protein metabolism; it also has another type of toxins called hemaglutin. If beans are cooked or sprouted they should be fine and have no problems to your bird.


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Breeder: Canary
PostPosted: Tue Aug 09, 2011 8:18 pm 
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Great topic,
Thank you very much.

Working together sharing experience and knowledge.
Travailler ensemble le partage d'expérience et de connaissances.

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Breeder: canaries
PostPosted: Tue Aug 09, 2011 8:42 pm 
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Thank you, It is my pleasure to share it with you all.


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Breeder: Canary
PostPosted: Wed Aug 10, 2011 1:12 pm 

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Thank you for the information. It is very important to know about this.

Potatoes produced a glycoalkaloid (solanine)
When potato tubers are exposed to light, they turn green and increase glycoalkaloid production.

This alkaloid is also found in carrots. I ever read in a website from Austria rabbitsbreeder about carrots don't show the green colour of solanin easy like potatoes. If you cut the carrot you can see the green colour of solanin.
I ever mixed softfood with carrots in a blender. After I read about the danger I control the carrots before.

Then another danger ist coffee. I often heard from birdkeepers, that the happy when their birds (not only canaries) drink coffee with them. It is toxic, too.

Another danger is every kind of vegetable or fruit, if you don't clean before you give for your birds.

Pesticide on the leaves or fruits can kill your bird.
I ever got this experience by myself and lost many canaries within 30 minutes.

Best Regards


Best Regards
Werner Krueger

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Breeder: Canaries, Gouldian Finches, Long-Tailed Finches, Splendid Parakeets
PostPosted: Wed Aug 10, 2011 8:12 pm 
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Good to share that with us. Sorry to hear about losing that many canaries.
Most of the time tiny things lead to disasters, so we should be careful. That's why things like this community is a good way to share experiences and advises with others.
I have a question for you Werner, you talked about not blending the carrots and offer it as an ingredients with soft food, what I got from that,
when preparing the soft food it will stay for a while and this thing cause the alkaloids toxicity coming from carrots to develop, is that right?
Because most of us, even me, offer carrots to our birds either as a whole or shredded and mixed with other ingredients.
Please explain that to us.

Happy to hear from you


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Breeder: Canary
PostPosted: Thu Aug 11, 2011 12:47 pm 

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If you offer the whole carrot you don’t see the alkaloids (solanin is always green). Outside the carrot looks beautiful red or orange, but inside the solanin can develop.
If you cut or shred the carrot you can see the green of solanin. Remove everthing of the green solanin. The rest of the carrot you can mix unhesitatingly with the softfood.
During the time between preparing the soft food until feeding is no problem.
But I am strict about every damp food: I only feeding the quantity, my birds can eat within 3-4 hours.

Sorry, sometimes I don't explain good, because my English language is not perfect. I am German and learn only in my school the language. It is not my mother tongue.

Best Regards
Werner Krueger

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Breeder: Canaries, Gouldian Finches, Long-Tailed Finches, Splendid Parakeets
PostPosted: Thu Aug 11, 2011 4:56 pm 
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Ok, so The problem is inside the carrot with the green stuff. It should be removed before offering carrots to birds.
I think in this case and as I used to do is to use a peeler and go all the way till you get to the inside of the carrot, use the peeled part and trash the inside that has the solanin.


Thanks for your reply


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Breeder: Canary
PostPosted: Tue Sep 06, 2011 3:01 pm 
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My brother Abu Suhaib Thank you Subject Wonderful

And useful For educators




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Breeder: Canary
PostPosted: Fri Sep 09, 2011 5:19 am 
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You are more than welcome, good to see you back and looking for your participation and nice topics


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Breeder: Canary
PostPosted: Wed Sep 21, 2011 4:38 pm 
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Alsalam alaikom wa rahmat alaah taala wa barkath - Hi all

Wonderful brother Abu Suhaib
Tips and alerts in place
And if you also put alerts on the places that are not recommended to be located by the Canary
For example, kitchen tips and useful in its place
When the charred teacher loves what Canary and hates
Then production will be a fertile
Thank you
I hope that the intent is clear because my English is weak :mrgreen:

. Image Abo aljoud Image .


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Breeder: Syrian Canary (Balady), But I wish to breed all kinds of Canaries & mosaic & Golden finch
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