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 Sujet du message: Molting
MessagePosté: Mar Juil 26, 2011 5:59 pm 
Global moderator
Global moderator

Inscription: 11 Juil 2011
Age: 51
Messages: 137
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Localisation: USA
genre: Homme

Bird molting is the change of old feather by a new one. This Period is so critical to our lovely birds. So much attention should be paid to this period. A good molting means a healtheir bird that will give you all the happiness that you are looking for.
During this period so much attention should be given to your bird like, alot of rest, quit place, security, and the most important thing is a healthy and balanced diet. Feathering and what the bird is facing during this period need more protein and energy in his diet and basically a good protein sources. Feather need protein to grow up healthy and strong. Supply your birds with diet that has a good protein source, you can buy a diet that is especially made for this period of bird's life, if you cannot the best and readily available and good quality protein source is boiled eggs (egg yolk), so do not forget your bird from this beneficial diet. Give it to your bird frequently during molting.
Also, during molting a good thing to do is to give your birds a frequent access to water bath, this will help reduce the itching and losen the feather sheath so it will be easier for them to grow without causing much pain to your birds.


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Eleveur: Canary
 Sujet du message: Re: Molting
MessagePosté: Mer Juil 27, 2011 10:09 pm 
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Inscription: 16 Juil 2011
Messages: 72
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Localisation: Jordan
genre: Homme


Thank you my brother

Habib Abu Suhaib Forward Subject of Beautiful



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Eleveur: Canary
 Sujet du message: Re: Molting
MessagePosté: Jeu Juil 28, 2011 5:19 pm 
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Inscription: 13 Juil 2011
Age: 42
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Localisation: Syria - Aleppo
genre: Homme

Alsalam alaikom wa rahmat alaah taala wa barkath - Hi all
Brother Global moderatorAbu Suhaib Thank you :mrgreen:
Abo aljoud


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Eleveur: Syrian Canary (Balady), But I wish to breed all kinds of Canaries & mosaic & Golden finch
 Sujet du message: Re: Molting
MessagePosté: Mar Aoû 02, 2011 4:57 pm 
Global moderator
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Inscription: 11 Juil 2011
Age: 51
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Sujets: 137
Localisation: USA
genre: Homme

You are more than welcome.


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Eleveur: Canary
 Sujet du message: Re: Molting
MessagePosté: Lun Aoû 08, 2011 6:35 pm 
Site Admin
Site Admin
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Inscription: 20 Jan 2008
Age: 54
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Thank you very much.

Working together sharing experience and knowledge.
Travailler ensemble le partage d'expérience et de connaissances.

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Eleveur: canaries
 Sujet du message: Re: Molting
MessagePosté: Mar Aoû 09, 2011 4:56 am 
Global moderator
Global moderator

Inscription: 11 Juil 2011
Age: 51
Messages: 137
Sujets: 137
Localisation: USA
genre: Homme

With pleasure


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Eleveur: Canary
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