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PostPosted: Sat Aug 23, 2008 11:14 pm 

Joined: 10 Jun 2008
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Hi everybody ,

This topic was put in the arab forum by " Dr. Ahmed Tawfeek " so , all his copyrights are reserved .

This is a link to the original text : ... highlight=" onclick=";return false;

Many people ask about how to tame their birds and make friends with them . It's the same way with all birds from the smallest finch to the largest parrot . Whether to tame a mature bird or a baby bird . This link shows the first method :

It's always better to tame a baby bird than to tame an adult one . A baby bird should be 2 to 3 weeks of age if planned to be handfed . This is the best way to have a tame bird at a maximum level and it can learn to talk as well . Even though some people are afraid to get through the whole process of hand-feeding . So I'd love to share with you an easy and convenient way of hand-feeding . These are two 14 days old cockatiel babies that I'm going to show you the steps and utensils I used in hand-feeding them .

1- The utensils you need in hand-feeding :



As shown in photos all you need is :

1- Hand-feeding formula ( Cerelac ( human baby formula )as a substitute )

2- A syringe .

3- A spoon .

4- A small plate .

5- Warm water .

6- Handkerchiefs .

7- Flowers for cheering up birds :)

The hand-feeding formula is prepared by adding warm water to it , also sesame meal ( or peanut butter ) can be added for more energy as Dr. Hassan advised me . After that fill the syringe with the formula and now we're ready to feed the babies .


Notice how empty their crops are before hand-feeding :



Before starting to feed the babies there is something very important we should put into consideration which is where to direct the syringe , the syringe is inserted from the left side of the birds beak and directed to the right side , because if the opposite thing happens the food will get into the respiratory canals of the bird . To avoid confusion I'll tell you an easy way to put in mind .

If you are left-handed let the back of the bird face you so the syringe will automatically enter from the left side .



If you are right-handed stay face to face with the bird and the syringe will automatically enter from the left side .



The crop is transparent so feed the bird until the crop is full .



Don't put these birds back to their parents , separate them in a warm nest box or cardboard box with wood chips as a bedding .

This is an easy method to make a brooder put by " Malek el Hazeen " in the arab forum so all his copyrights are reserved .

This is a link to the original text : ... 7%E4#30811" onclick=";return false;

To provide the bird with warmth , it must be away from air drafts but this is not enough , directing a lamp on it will make him feel warm but the light will annoy him and affect its growth . It might be unaffordable for many people to buy a ready made brooder so what's the best solution ?

1- Get a glass or plastic aquarium .

2- Get a glass jar .

3- Buy a fish tank heater , it's available and affordable at pet stores .

4- Put the bedding in the aquarium .

5- Fill the jar with water and put the heater inside then lid the jar and make a small hole for the wire of the heater , then put it at one of the corners of the aquarium .

The bird will stay next to the jar to feel warm and if it feels hot it will stay away from the jar as it's less warm .

For more information on hand-feeding check this link :" onclick=";return false;

As this way helps you in teaching your bird to talk and get trained . To know the way of teaching your bird to talk check this link :

Best wishes and good luck :)

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Breeder: cockatiels
PostPosted: Sun Aug 31, 2008 11:22 am 
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Thank you very much.

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Breeder: canaries
PostPosted: Sat Sep 06, 2008 12:05 am 

Joined: 10 Jun 2008
Posts: 98
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Hi Abdo Abu Seir ,

You are welcome !

Best wishes and good luck :)

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Breeder: cockatiels
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