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PostPosted: Sun Aug 17, 2008 11:59 pm 

Joined: 10 Jun 2008
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Hi everybody ,

In this topic you can find the fruits and vegetables that are safe for your bird to eat and their nutritional value .

Firstly : Vegetables :

1- Carrot :


Carrot is very important and should be put to birds during breeding and molting periods . It's called the king of vegetables as it contains many nutritive elements including carotene that is converted into vitamin A by the body, it can be put as it is , boiled or grated .

Vitamin and Mineral Content :

Vitamin A - 12,000 I.U, Vitamin B , Thiamine B1, Riboflavin, Niacin, Vitamin C, Vitamin D, E, G, & K

Health Benefits of Carrot :

Carrot can improve the appearance of the feathers and nails and enhance natural pigments. - When taken daily it can lower cholesterol and blood pressure. - Raw contain betacarotene, a strong antioxidant that can prevent cancer. - Carrot can help improve eyesight and prevents night frights. - Carrots can regulate blood sugar. - Carrot can promote colon health, because carrot is rich in fiber.

Carrot is also helpful in the following cases : Obesity, Poisoning of the blood , Inflamed Kidneys, Liver .

2- Cucumber and Zucchini :


They are very important veggies and seeds must be removed before feeding to birds , also excess amounts cause diarrhea .

Vitamins and minerals :

Vitamin A - Niacin Trace - Vitamin C - Calcium - Iron - Phosphorus – Potassium - Carbohydrates .

Health Benefits :

Helps in kidney and liver disease - The potassium content of cucumber makes it highly useful for conditions of high and low blood pressure - Cucumber helps to digest protein - It is said to promote the growth of feathers especially during molting stages – It prevents splitting and overgrowing of nails - They are beneficial in diabetes.

3- Spinach :


Vitamins and minerals :

Vitamin A - Vitamin B : Thiamine - Riboflavin - Niacin - Vitamin C - Vitamin k – Calcium - Iron - Phosphorus - Potassium - Carbohydrates – Protein .

Health Benefits of Spinach :

Spinach helps to prevent heart diseases - Spinach helps stabilize blood sugar when boiled - Spinach is an antioxidant and anti-cancer agent - Spinach aids in the formation of the blood substance required for clotting of blood.

Spinach is helpful in the following cases ;

Tumors , Obesity, Neuritis (inflammation of nerves), Nerve exhaustion, High blood pressure and also helps ailment of the kidneys and liver.

4- Kelp ( seaweed ) :


Kelp or seaweed is a brown marine plant that is used in various culinary application. It's given as a powder after drying on the tender food to the birds ( 1/2 tea spoon for every pair ) .

Vitamins and minerals :

Vitamin A - Niacin - Calcium - Iron - Phosphorus - Fat - Carbohydrates – Protein – Iodine – Selenium .

Health Benefits of Seaweeds :

Kelps correct mineral deficiencies - A good protective food, valuable in overcoming poor digestion, preventing and overcoming goiter and rebuilding and maintaining the proper function of all glands - Reported to aid in brain development - Offsets deficiencies of an inferior diet - Kelp helps in strengthening bones - Helps to detoxify the body - May help in controlling obesity because it dissolves fatty wastes .

5- Beets :


Very important specially for females as it helps in egg formation and it's given grated to birds .

Vitamins and minerals :

Vitamin A - Vitamin B - Vitamin C - Calcium - Iron - Phosphorus – Carbohydrates - Protein .

Red Beets is also beneficial in the following disorder :

Inflammation of the kidneys and liver, including kidney stone - Has been favorably reported for cases of leukemia and tumors (includes cancer) - Valuable for constipation - Dysentery (inflammation of intestines) - Skin disorders – Obesity – Nervousness - Egg laying disorders .

6- Cabbage :


Cabbage is very important . The vitamin C content of red cabbage is 8 times higher than that of the green cabbage . It's given to birds cut in slices .

Vitamins and minerals :

Vitamin A - Vitamin c - Calcium - Phosphorus - Potassium - Carbohydrates - Protein - Iron - Sulfur .

Health Benefits of Cabbage :

Cabbage protects the body from free radicals that can damage the cell membranes and also signal our genes to increase its production of enzymes involved in detoxification - Cabbage may lower the incidence of cancer, especially in the lung - Cabbage is a muscle builder, blood cleanser and eye strengthener - Cabbage is effective in treating fungus infection(due to it sulfur content) -Cabbage can lower cholesterol - Cabbage is an antioxidant and detoxification agent which plays a role in liver detoxification - Red cabbage is an antioxidant that can help protect brain cells .

7- Celery :


Celery is a vegetable that belongs to the parsley family, grown principally for its edible stalks . The stalks are considered more valuable than the branches. Excess amount causes diarrhea .

Vitamin and mineral Content :

Vitamin B – Riboflavin – Niacin - Vitamin C - Calcium - Iron - Phosphorus – Potassium – Fat - Carbohydrates – Protein .

Benefits of Celery :

Arthritis – Neuritis - Constipation – Respiratory diseases - Obesity - High blood pressure - Catarrh - Pyorrhea - Diabetes - Diseases of the kidneys - Diseases of the liver .

8- Lemon :


Lemon is used only if the bird is sick by dripping two drops in the water dish and it's changed every two hours .

Vitamins and minerals :

Vitamin B : Thiamine - Riboflavin - Vitamin C - Calcium - Phosphorus – Carbohydrates - Protein .

Health Benefits of Lemon :

Natural antiseptic that destroys harmful bacteria .

9- Radish :


Radish is a very important vegetable but you have to soak it in cold water before feeding to birds . It can be put as it is , grated or boiled .

Vitamins and minerals :

Vitamin A - Vitamin B : Thiamine - Vitamin C - Calcium - Iron - Phosphorus – Potassium - Carbohydrates - Protein .

Health Benefits of Radish :

Beneficial for the nerves, feathers and nails - Stimulate appetite - Relieve nervous exhaustion - Respiratory problems - Digestive problems - Relieves constipation - Runny nose - Helps to reduce overweight or obesity and dissolves stones - Good for diabetes .

10- Broccoli :


Broccoli is very useful and it's served chopped .

Vitamins and minerals :

Vitamin A - Vitamin B : Thiamine - Niacin - Vitamin C , E and K - Iron – Phosphorus - Potassium - Carbohydrates - Protein .

Health Benefits of Broccoli :

Weight reduction - Constipation - High Blood Pressure - Helps regulate the digestions of food - May help prevent cancer in organs and glands .

11- Cauliflower :


It's very important and it's served chopped .

Vitamins and minerals :

Vitamin A - Vitamin B : Thiamine - Riboflavin - Niacin - Vitamin C - Calcium – Iron - Phosphorus – Fat - Carbohydrates .

Health Benefits of Cauliflower :

Cauliflower can help prevent cancer - Cauliflower helps increase the liver's ability to neutralize toxic substances - Cauliflower is a blood and liver detoxifier - Cauliflower stops the spread of cancer cells , even in the later stages of their growth - Kidney disorders - High blood pressure – Constipation .

Secondly : Fruits :

1- Papaya and pumpkin :


Rich in vitamins and mineral salts and it's put to the birds cut in cubes .

Vitamins and minerals :

Vitamin A - Vitamin C , E and K - Calcium - Phosphorus - Potassium – Carbohydrates .

Health Benefits :

Aiding digestion - Prevents constipation - Have a beneficial tonic effect in the intestines - Help break down pus and mucus - May help prevent cancer in organs and glands - The seeds are given for expelling worms .

2- Pineapple :


Very important for birds , given in small slices and the peel can be put as well as it helps in trimming the beak .

Vitamins and minerals :

Vitamin A - Vitamin C - Calcium - Phosphorus – Potassium - Carbohydrates .

Pineapple is Beneficial also in the following condition :

Prevents blood clotting - It regulates the gland - Catarrh - High Blood pressure- Arthritis (diseases of the joints) – Removes intestinal worms - It's used to combat infections of the throat or other parts of the body - Prevents constipation.

3- Apples :


An apple is a portable pharmacy , it must be given to birds , it's put with its peel cut into slices and seeds are removed as they are toxic .

Vitamins and minerals :

Vitamin A - Vitamin B : Thiamine - Vitamin C - Vitamin G - Calcium - Iron - Phosphorus - Potassium - Carbohydrates .

Health Benefits of Apple :

Apple is a powerful antioxidant - Apple can strengthen the blood - Apple can help prevent disturbances of the liver and digestion - Apple cider vinegar can help to prevent the formation of kidney stone - The skin of Apple prevent protein matter in the intestine from spoiling - Lowers cholesterol and reduces skin diseases – Helps in killing worms .

4- Apricot :


It's good for the bird but excess amount causes diarrhea and it's cut into 4 pieces and served .

Vitamins and minerals :

Vitamin A - Vitamin B : Thiamine - Vitamin C - Calcium – Phosphorus - Carbohydrates – Protein .

Benefits of Apricot :

Apricot has high mineral content and it purifies the blood - Apricot is very helpful in skin disorder - Apricot prevent cancer and heart disease - It helps destroy intestinal worms - It may help remove stones - It helps in preventing cancer in organs .

5- Coconut :


It's put from time to time grated on tender food . The harsh peel is put to the bird for entertainment and beak trimming .

Vitamins and minerals :

Vitamin A - Vitamin B : Thiamine - Riboflavin - Niacin - Vitamin C – Calcium – Iron - Phosphorus - Fat - Carbohydrates - Protein .

Health Benefits of Coconut :

Prevents parasites resulting from spoiled food – Helps in growth and muscle formation so it's important in breeding periods – The oil helps in healing wounds , cuts or scratches – Important for skin and feathers .

6- Strawberry :


It's not recommended to feed it to your birds unless it's planted at home , as it has a high ability to absorb chemicals which are bad for your bird .

Vitamins and minerals :

Vitamin A - Vitamin B : Thiamine - Vitamin C - Calcium - Phosphorus - Potassium - Carbohydrates

Health Benefits of Strawberry :

This is highly rated as skin cleansing food for better feathers growth - It is also known to clean or rid the blood of harmful toxins – Helps in liver problems – Natural laxative .

7- Grapes :


Grapes is a good treat for birds. Excess amounts cause diarrhea . It can be served as it is or as raisins .

Vitamins and minerals :

Vitamin A - Vitamin B : Thiamine - Vitamin c - Calcium - Phosphorus - Fat - Carbohydrates – Protein .

Health Benefits of Grapes:

Good blood and body builder, it is also a quick source of energy - Grape is good for skin and liver disorders - This alkaline fruit benefits the kidneys greatly - Helps reduce blood clots.

8- Prunes :


One of the useful fruits and it's served dried .

Vitamins and minerals :

Vitamin A - Vitamin B Thiamine - Riboflavin - Niacin - Vitamin C - Calcium - Iron - Phosphorus - Potassium - Fat - Carbohydrates - Protein .

Health Benefits of Prunes :

Prunes helps to slow aging process of the brain - Prunes are excellent for increasing vitality - It helps in normal blood circulation - It can help prevent cancer.

9- Tomato :


Very important and should be put in small amounts .

Vitamins and minerals :

Vitamin A - Vitamin B : Thiamine - Vitamin C - Vitamin K - Calcium - Iron – Phosphorus - Potassium - Protein .

Benefits of Tomato :

Tomato is a good blood purifier - Tomato helps in cases of congestion of the liver (protects the liver from cirrhosis) as well as for dissolving gallstones - Tomato is a natural antiseptic - Helps prevent heart diseases - Tomato can also fight cancer cells.

10 – Oranges and tangerine :


Very important as they are rich in vitamin C and fibers which renew cells . It's served as parts or juice ( 5 drops for each bird ) .

Vitamins and minerals :

Vitamin A - Vitamin B : Thiamine - Riboflavin - Niacin - Vitamin C - Calcium – Iron - Phosphorus - Potassium – Magnesium - Fat - Carbohydrates - Protein .

Health Benefits :

Recommended for relieving congestion of the liver – Good in Catarrh - Help prevent cancer – Prevent obesity – Regulate blood pressure.

11- Banana :


Very important fruit rich in starch and mineral salts like phosphorus . Excess amount causes constipation .

Vitamins and minerals :

Vitamin A - Vitamin B : Thiamine - Vitamin C - Calcium – Iron - Phosphorus - Potassium - Carbohydrates - Protein .

Health Benefits of Banana :

Banana is an energy booster - Banana makes the bird feel happy and improve its mood - Banana is good a good source of potassium. If you are taking diuretics take 2 bananas a day to prevent the depletion of potassium in the body.

12 – Melon :


It's not recommended to feed it to your birds unless it's planted at home , as it has a high ability to absorb chemicals which are bad for your bird .

Vitamin and Mineral Content :

Vitamin A - Potassium

Beneficial in the following illness :

High blood pressure – Obesity - Disorders of the kidneys and bladder - Constipation - Blood deficiencies - May help prevent cancer .

13- Cherries :


One of the useful fruits and it's served as it is or dried .

Vitamins and minerals :

Vitamin A - Vitamin B : Thiamine – Riboflavin - Niacin - Vitamin C - Calcium – Iron - Phosphorus - Fat - Carbohydrates - Protein .

Health Benefits of Cherries :

Cherries reduce pain and inflammation - Cherry is also a powerful antioxidant - Cherries are effective cleansers of the liver and kidneys - Cherry is important in the immune system function - May help prevent cancer .

14- Guava :


Rich in vitamins and mineral salts and served as it is .

Vitamins and minerals :

Vitamin C the skin of guava contains more than 5 times Vit C than that of an orange - Vitamin A and B - Calcium - Nicotinic Acid – Phosphorus - Potassium – Iron - Folic acid – Fiber - Carbohydrates - Protein .

Health benefits of Guava :

Helps in the formation of eggs – Helps in regulating blood pressure – Improves the function of heart and circulatory system – Important in Catarrh – Absorbs excess fats .

15- Mango :


Rich in vitamins and mineral salts and served as it is from time to time .

Vitamins and minerals :

Vitamin A - Vitamin B - Vitamin C – Calcium - Phosphorus – Protein.

Health Benefits of Mango :

Mangoes have powerful antioxidant and anticancer abilities - Mango is high in iron so , it should be put in the breeding season regularly - It is also valuable to combat acidity and poor digestion - Mango help to protect against heart disease and other ailments – Prevents kidney problems – Prevents respiratory problems .

16- Peaches :


Peach is a good treat for birds. Excess amounts cause diarrhea .

Vitamins and minerals :

Vitamin A - Vitamin B Thiamine - Riboflavin - Niacin - Vitamin C - Calcium – Iron - Phosphorus - Potassium - Fat – Carbohydrates – Protein .

Health Benefits of Peach :

Helps in blood intoxication - Helps improve the health of the skin - Helpful in the removal of worms from - May help prevent cancer .

17- Watermelon :


Very important fruit that should be put from time to time as it's rich in a wide number of vitamins and mineral salts . It's served as little pieces with the peel . Excess amount causes diarrhea .

Thirdly : Other foods :

1- All kinds of nuts ( pistachios – peanuts – hazelnuts , ….. ) are rich in oils , proteins and fats . They are not harmful for birds but should be put in small amounts ( a nut for a bird ) as excess amount causes obesity which prevents the bird from breeding and practicing normal activities . Besides the over load on the feet causes inflammations and swelling which might lead the bird to lose its leg .

2- Bread can be served to birds from time to time and it can be soaked in milk or yoghurt . As for potatoes it's served boiled . Never feed your bird fried potatoes or rice stuffed zucchini as they are full of saturated oils that harm the birds a lot and causes tumors . Sweet potatoes are toxic to cockatiels .

3- Rice is good for birds and specially brown rice . It's served boiled with an amount of 1 teaspoon for every pair once a week during breeding season . Or it can be ground and put on tender food . So is pasta .

4- Never let your bird drink soda as it burns the crop and causes fragile bones .

5- From the harmful veggies and fruits : Avocado , Sweet potatoes , Soybeans , Onions and Grapefruit .

Best wishes and good luck :)

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Breeder: cockatiels
PostPosted: Sun Aug 31, 2008 10:59 am 
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Thank you very much

very important topic.

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Breeder: canaries
PostPosted: Sat Sep 06, 2008 12:04 am 

Joined: 10 Jun 2008
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Welcome :)

Yes this topic helps in clarifying what plants that can be safely given to our birds to eat

Best wishes and good luck :)

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Breeder: cockatiels
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