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PostPosted: Wed Aug 13, 2008 9:04 pm 

Joined: 10 Jun 2008
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Hi everybody ,

This topic was put in the arab forum by " Mohammed Reda " , so all his copyrights are reserved .

This is a link to the original text :" onclick=";return false;

In this topic I'll discuss baby cockatiel care . After incubation period that takes 21 days eggs hatch and babies come out of the eggs according to the order of laying eggs . Cockatiels are very compassionate and defend their nests . You will notice that while checking the nest . When you check the babies the female never leaves them and starts to defend them by releasing a hissing sound and attacking our hands with bites .

The main role of feeding is played by the female . It's the one that feeds the babies , although the male also helps in feeding the babies , but the female is the basis of feeding specially for the first days after hatching as it produces something like a milk that is formed in the crop to feed the babies in their first days .

I'll talk about feeding baby cockatiels in three stages according to the growth of the baby :

First stage :


This stage starts with hatching , the food that should be put for the birds is : canary seeds and millets of the same quantity or you can add more canary seeds in addition to the egg and biscuit mix that is added in the late after noon at almost 03:00 pm . That's if you are breeding your birds in winter . This food should be added from day one till day nine when the babies eyes starts to open .

Second stage :


This stage starts from the tenth day of hatching till the twenty fifth day . Just canary seeds are added in addition to a little amount sunflower seeds and the egg and biscuit mix but in this stage it's put for two hours in the early morning at about 08:00 am them at the late after noon at about 03:00 am wheat sprouts are added or bread crumbs soaked in yoghurt or hand feeding formula as a substitute .

Third stage :


This stage starts from the twenty sixth day till weaning . Cockatiels get normally out of the nest box at the age of 5 to six weeks and get week at the end of the sixth week . Canary seeds are added in addition to a little amount sunflower seeds and the egg and biscuit mix but in this stage it's put for two hours in the early morning at about 08:00 am them at the late after noon at about 03:00 am wheat sprouts are added or bread crumbs soaked in yoghurt or hand feeding formula as a substitute . When we notice that the young birds are eating by their own we can start introducing vegetables ( e.g. watercress , lettuce or cucumber ) , fruits , legumes ( e.g. lentils sprouts to them ) . These meals are put next to the egg and biscuit mix and are put as the second late after noon meal .

After birds are weaned they stay at the bottom of the cage so , water and food bowls should be in their level and water bowls must be shallow to avoid drowning .

Best wishes and good luck :)

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Breeder: cockatiels
PostPosted: Sun Aug 17, 2008 6:37 pm 
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Breeder: canaries
PostPosted: Sun Aug 17, 2008 9:48 pm 

Joined: 10 Jun 2008
Posts: 98
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Hi brother Abdo Abu Seir ,

Thanks God for giving the authors the scientific subject and giving the ability to translate and you are always welcome !

Best wishes and good luck :)

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Breeder: cockatiels
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