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 Post subject: Stones and grit
PostPosted: Tue Jul 29, 2008 3:31 pm 

Joined: 10 Jun 2008
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Hi everybody ,

This topic was put in the arab forum by " Bu Nawaf " so all his copyrights are reserved .

This is a link to the original text : ... highlight=" onclick=";return false;

Stones , ground sea shells , cuttlebones , grit or the soil crust is very important to all kinds of birds , no exceptions . It's a must for the bird owner to provide birds with any of the previous elements on regular basis .


These things play an important rule in the digesting process by exterminating excess sourness ( acidity ) in birds , supplying them with important and rare nutritive elements such as mineral salts , calcium and iodine which are very important in molting process , having normal excretions and making sure the bird is growing correctly with no problems >


In the wild , birds are seen in flocks flying over heights , mountains and beaches to supply them selves with soil , sand , grit and pebbles and that's a very important thing .








Plays an important rule in activating the gland and resisting diseases . It's very important during molting time .

Iodine most important sources

Sea salt is one the most important sources for iodine , it's also rich in manganese , calcium , phosphorus and 70 more mineral salt .

On the contrary refined salt is poor in mineral salts .




Sea salt can be added from time to time to the water in a little amount .

It can be added to tender food meals

Milk , yoghurt , eggs , rocket ( watercress ) and grated carrot contain also iodine which is very important in the molting process .

Sea shells and grit

They are sold in pet stores . Very important sources of mineral salts and iodine . They help in treating excess sourness ( acidity ) in birds , trimming birds beak and digesting food the right way .

Sea shells and ground white stones


They are sold in pet stores in sterilized packs and ready to use . They help in trimming birds beak and it should exist continuously in front of the bird .

Sea shells and ground red stones


They are sold in pet stores in sterilized packs and ready to use . They help in trimming birds beak and it should exist continuously in front of the bird .

Red stone bricks






They are sold in pet stores in sterilized packs and ready to use . Rich in rare nutritive elements . They help in trimming birds beak , birds like it and it should exist continuously in front of the bird .

Earth ( soil ) crust :


Take it from the ground , break it and give it to birds . Rich in rare nutritive elements . They help in trimming birds beak , birds like it and it should exist continuously in front of the bird .

Sea sand


Very important sources of mineral salts and iodine . They help in treating excess sourness ( acidity ) in birds and digesting food the right way and it should exist continuously in front of the bird .



Very important sources of mineral salts and calcium and it should exist continuously in front of the bird .

Sometimes they are sold in pet stores in sterilized packs and ready to use .


It's fixed in one of the corners of the cage by a peg .


A special peg is used for that and it's made of aluminum or stainless steel .


A plastic peg .


Potatoes and carrots are from the sources of iodine , you can make the potato and rice mix and add some grated carrot . These meals are considered very important in supplying birds with the essential nutritive and rare elements including iodine .

Sometimes calcium solution should be added to treat calcium deficiencies through adding it to water .

To treat severe calcium deficiencies a magnesium- calcium – vitamin D3 solution is added to water and it's very important to birds .

Calcium plays an important rule in building and forming the birds skeleton , muscles , protein formation and helping the body to perform correctly .

The importance of calcium increases in case of laying eggs and raising babies .

Vitamin D

Helps the birds body to absorb calcium and phosphorus .

Birds take their needs of vitamin D from direct or indirect sun light . Egg and biscuit meal with milk or yoghurt added supplies birds with vitamins including vitamin D .

The most important seeds rich in calcium and should be included in the seed mix are :
Oats – wheat – Millets


Best wishes and good luck :)

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Breeder: cockatiels
 Post subject: Re: Stones and grit
PostPosted: Sun Aug 17, 2008 6:21 pm 
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Thank you very much

God bless you

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Breeder: canaries
 Post subject: Re: Stones and grit
PostPosted: Sun Aug 17, 2008 9:43 pm 

Joined: 10 Jun 2008
Posts: 98
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Hi brother Abdo Abu Seir ,

You are welcome !

Best wishes and good luck :)

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Breeder: cockatiels
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