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 Post subject: Tender food recipe
PostPosted: Tue Jul 29, 2008 10:13 am 

Joined: 10 Jun 2008
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Hi everybody ,

This topic was put in the arab forum by " Bu Nawaf " so , all his copy rights are reserved .

This is a link to the original text :

Egg and biscuit meal

A perfect and important meal for birds . It's rich in proteins , vitamins , amino acids , starch and fibers .


Eggs are rich in the best protein kinds as well as 13 essential vitamins like vitamin B12 , mineral salts and amino acids essential for building tissues , muscles and growing feathers .

Egg and biscuit meal should be fed to birds for a plenty of time to prepare them to breed .

It's very important to be fed to the birds after chick hatching ( during baby care ) , and their speed growth . When vitamins and amino acids are added to this meal that guarantee the safe growth of baby birds and improving their immunity against diseases .

During the rest ( no breeding ) in summer we should reduce the amount of this meal as birds don't need excess protein .

It's fair enough to feed the birds hard boiled eggs in summer once a week . That's not to give the bird an overdose of protein which might result in liver diseases .

During summer we must concentrate on feeding the bird a variety of food , vitamins and amino acids to make up for the lost weight .

In summer the birds tendency to drink water increases and as a result their food amount decreases .

In winter the birds tendency to drink water decreases and as a result their food amount increases .

That explain why birds lose their good during summer and regain it in winter .

Vitamins and amino acids should be added once a week only , because they have side effects .


How to make the egg and biscuit meal ?

Eggs are hard boiled for 20 minutes


Leave the eggs to cool down then remove the crusts and mash it .


Ground bread crumbs or biscuit is added to the mashed eggs and mixed together .


A little amount of water is added to ease the mixing process and a few amount of olive oil to make the mix tender for the longest time possible plus adding a very little sprinkle of salt .


You can add some of the seed mix to this meal to encourage birds to eat , especially birds which aren't used to eat it .


Toast can be used as a substitute for biscuit or bread crumbs . I prefer it for my birds .


An economical way to introduce nutritional supplements to your bird :

You can add vitamins and amino acids to wet bread and feed to the birds .

It's a very economical and practical way of introducing supplements to your birds making sure that these supplements won't get affected by the weather in case of high temperatures .

Birds consume this meal quickly which allows them to get the highest benefit .


Boiled rice and potato meal

This meal is fun for birds and it's fair enough to know that :

Rice contains proteins , starch , fats and mineral salts like :
potassium – sodium – calcium – manganese – iron – phosphorus – sulfur – iodine – vitamins – fibers.

Potatoes contain vitamins – starch – mineral salts like : iron – calcium – potassium – phosphorus – copper .

How to prepare boiled rice and potato meal ?

A little amount of rice is washed and rinsed well then strained from impurities .


Boil the rice , remove water then leave it to cool down .


Boil the potato then leave it to cool down after that peel and cut it .


Mash rice and potato together very well , add a little amount of water to ease the mixing process and a few amount of olive oil to make the mix tender for the longest time possible plus adding a very little sprinkle of salt .


You can use milk and yoghurt to rise the meals nutritional values .

These meals are supplementary meals that are added with the main food which is the seed mix or pellets .

Best wishes and good luck :)

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Breeder: cockatiels
 Post subject: Re: Tender food recipe
PostPosted: Tue Jul 29, 2008 1:28 pm 

Joined: 10 Jun 2008
Posts: 98
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Sorry I forgot to add the link to the original text :

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Breeder: cockatiels
 Post subject: Re: Tender food recipe
PostPosted: Sun Aug 17, 2008 6:08 pm 
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Thank you very much my friend.

Also we must thanks and send our warm regards to Abu Nawaf for his great topics.

Working together sharing experience and knowledge.
Travailler ensemble le partage d'expérience et de connaissances.

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Breeder: canaries
 Post subject: Re: Tender food recipe
PostPosted: Sun Aug 17, 2008 9:40 pm 

Joined: 10 Jun 2008
Posts: 98
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Gender: None specified

Hi brother Abdo Abu Seir ,

You're welcome ! Millions of thanks to Bu Nawaf for enriching the forum with such great topics !

Best wishes and good luck :)

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Breeder: cockatiels
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