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PostPosted: Sat Jul 26, 2008 12:32 am 

Joined: 10 Jun 2008
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Hi everybody ,

This topic was put in the arab forum by " Lulu " so all her copyrights are reserved .

This is the link to the original text :" onclick=";return false;

Nutrition given to pet birds is classified into 7 categories :

- Water .
- Main seeds .
- Tender food .
- Green veggies .
- Mineral salts .
- Grit .
- Motivating food .

1- Water :

Very important for the health and vitality of the bird , at the same time it can be a source of diseases and infection which might lead to infecting the birds and causing death . That happens only if water sources are neglected or given to the bird in a wrong way . For example putting water bowls under perches where birds excretions fall into the water and turns it rotten . Water bowls should be made from a material that doesn't rust like plastic , glass or china .

2- Main seeds :

This is the base of the bird diet , that's why it's called main seeds as it should exist all the time in front of the bird .

The most important seeds are the herbage seeds like canary seeds , millets and panicum millets . In the second place comes sunflower seeds as a supplementary .


Canary seeds

The canary seeds plant is planted all over the world and dedicated to feed birds . The seed is a very important to birds as it contains a lot of nutritional elements like protein , carbohydrates and oils .

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It's an annual plant , widely mentioned in foreign references as a very good food for birds . European bird exporting countries depend on it mainly in feeding these birds . But it's almost unknown in our Arabian countries . China is the native habitat for this plants then it spread after that in Asia and Africa . The nutritional values are different in this plant and vary according to the plant phase . As a green plant it contains 12.5 % proteins and carbohydrates , 68% starch , 5.7% fibers and some vitamins and mineral salts . That’s to say : millets contain high amounts of fine protein and dissolved starch .

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Maize :

It's characterized by it's small and spherical shape . It was found by using chemical analysis that it has a high percentage of fine proteins 3.82% , fibers 33.3%, starch , carbohydrates 54.9% and mineral salts 6.9% .

When cockatiels get used to eat maize , its considered a perfect food . It's affordable and the bird should get used to it when it's young or else it won't eat it . It can be put dry or soaked .


Wheat :

By using chemical analysis , it was found that wheat seed contain important vitamins and mineral salts . Starch and carbohydrates form 83% , proteins 10% . As for mineral salts it contains calcium , magnesium , sodium , potassium , chlorine , sulfur , fluorine , zinc , manganese , iodine and copper . It contains vitamins like A , B1 , B2 , B3 , E , K and D in addition to some yeasts as well . I can say that the wheat seed is a plant-egg . It has all the nutritional elements needed .


Sunflower seeds :

It indispensable for all parakeets like cockatiels , parrots and other birds . It has saturated and unsaturated fatty acids 7.9% , proteins 12% and some vitamins and mineral salts like phosphorus so it's considered a good element in the diet .

3- Tender food :

This food is very important for cockatiels especially in breeding and molting seasons . It's represented in egg and biscuit mix , bread soaked in milk or yoghurt , dried toast soaked in water and sprouts like wheat , maize and corn .

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Egg and biscuit mix :

Hardboiled chicken eggs is mashed and mixed with ground biscuits (or bread crumbs ) and ground rice .
Eggs contain high amount of proteins 15% , fats 30% , some vitamins like A – B1- B2 , some important mineral salts , calcium 1.5% , iron 0.8% , phosphorus 5% and water 5% . As well as magnesium , potassium , zinc , chlorine , fluorine and iodine in little percentages .
Ground biscuits ( or bread crumbs ) is full of carbohydrates .
Ground rice contains proteins 15.5% , fats 2.03% , mineral salts like calcium 0.02% , phosphorus 0.41% , carbohydrates and starch 79.86% .

Bread soaked in milk or yoghurt :

It's put in small amounts by soaking bread in milk or yoghurt , keep it soaked for 30 minutes and put to the birds when hungry . This mix is very important for the intestines of the birds and it's enriched with amino acids which are very important during breeding seasons .


Wheat and corn

As for wheat , it can't be put to birds dry , because cockatiel don't eat seeds unless it peels it . That is impossible in wheat , so the only way is to soak the seeds in water for not less than 6 hours , then rinse well and leave the seeds to dry for not less than 15 minutes in a strainer to let water off . Then put it to the birds when they are hungry so they can peel it now . Birds might not get familiar with this meal if not used to it , so keep on introducing it to the bird and put it frequently until the bird get used to it . As for corn it can be soaked like wheat , and can be mixed with it to make a good breeding nutritional supplement .

4- Green veggies :

Fresh greens play an important rule in the bird diet . It's a source of vitamins and mineral salts and other essential nutritional elements . I want to warn every bird owner that depriving birds from green veggies causes a great lack in birds health as well as letting the bird feel depressed , because it's a joy source for it .

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Rocket ( watercress ) and radish :

It's put to cockatiels on the daily in summer and every other day in winter . The given amount is a leaf for every pair after being washed very well . Radish contains water 85% , starch , low amount of vitamins ( B – B12 – C ) , mineral salts like calcium , iron , iodine , sulfur and magnesium .


Lettuce :

It's put the same previous way .


Cabbage :

Green parts are given to birds . It's a precautionary plant as it helps fight diseases . It contains vitamins , full of sulfur elements , sugar , starch and a fine amount of proteins .


Yellow carrot :

It can be put as a whole or grated on the egg and biscuit mix . Carrot has a high nutritional value , it's called the king of veggies . It contains water 88% , sugar 0.3% , proteins 0.06% , fats , mineral salts like sulfur , magnesium , phosphorus , potassium , sodium and chlorine and vitamins like A – B1 – B2 – C – D – B complex – carotene .

5- Mineral salts :

Inorganic salts which are very important quantitatively and qualitatively . It interferes in the formation of all body tissues regarding the variety of bird tissues . Bones are a natural warehouse for calcium , phosphorus and magnesium salts as well as egg shell which is formed mainly from calcium and the egg yolk contains high amounts of phosphorus and sulfur .
Potassium plays an important rule in forming muscles , glands and nerves . Sodium can be found in blood . Chlorine helps in digesting , absorbing and excreting food . Birds cannot function without 13 salts of the mineral salts as they work together resulting in the vital chemical processes as well as helping useful micro-organisms inside the birds intestines .

It was found that seeds supply birds with vitamins , but can't supply them with the fair amount of vitamins needed during breeding and egg formation that's why supplementary foods are a must .

6- Grit :


Birds get grit from sand , these little pebbles have a very important mechanical effect in the digesting process . It helps the gizzard in grating food . Grating happens when the thick muscles of the gizzard contract , and don't allow but the soft food to pass easily through the small intestines .

7- Motivating food :

This food is very important in breeding seasons , as it motivate the birds to breed . It helps male birds to produce sperms and helps females in forming eggs .
Food rich in proteins , amino acids , vitamins and mineral salts motivate birds to breed . The best motivating meal is the egg and biscuits mix .

The scientific information is from the book ( Cockatiel Bird ) to the writer " Dr. Mohammed Mahmoud Al-Sabbah " .

Best wishes and good luck :)

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Breeder: cockatiels
PostPosted: Sat Jul 26, 2008 4:46 pm 
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Great efforts,
thank very much.

Working together sharing experience and knowledge.
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Breeder: canaries
PostPosted: Sat Jul 26, 2008 5:39 pm 

Joined: 10 Jun 2008
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Dear brother Abdo Abu Seir ,

Thank you very much

Best wishes and good luck :)

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Breeder: cockatiels
PostPosted: Sat Jul 26, 2008 10:34 pm 

Joined: 02 Jul 2008
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Unfortunately my family and I did not know all this information when we first purchased out cockatiel, which may have caused the health problems he has today. Never just feed your bird seed and water. They should recieve fresh veggies and or fruit everyday. They also like breads and pasta, but don't give them too much because it has a lot of starch in it which is not good for thier liver. Never fee your bird junk food. If it's not healthy for you to eat it, then it's not healthy for your bird to eat. Also stay away from foods that include spicy sauces, creamy sauces, mayonaise and dairy. Birds can not handle spicy food like we can. Creamy foods and mayonaise can cause crop rot. Their crop is unable to digest it so it just sits inside the crop and begins to rot. This can cause serious health issues. Birds are Lactose Intollerant so do not feed them a lot of dairy products. You can buy a frozen bag of mixed veggies and stick a few in a cup with water then place it in the microwave until they are warm. It's quick, easy and that way your birds get thier veggies. Please make sure you start your bird on a good diet from the begining because it can be very difficult to swith them over when they are older. Feed them small pellets in thier cage and them give them seed as a snack. If you mix seed into thier pellets they may only eat the seed and ignore eating the pellets. So pay close attention to what they are actually eating out of thier food dish. If I can think of anymore tips I will place them on this forum later. :o)

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Breeder: I do not breed birds, but I care for cockatiels and also volunteer at a bird sanctuary.
PostPosted: Mon Jul 28, 2008 11:30 am 

Joined: 10 Jun 2008
Posts: 98
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Hi Lindsay ,

Than u very much for this valuable information !

Note : Regerding pellets , it's hard to find in some places in the Arab world as it's not always available in stores so , we mix different kinds of seeds together besides some supplementary meals including fruits and veggies too .

Best wishes and good luck :)

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Breeder: cockatiels
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