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 Post subject: Cockatiel seed mixes
PostPosted: Mon Jul 28, 2008 1:16 pm 

Joined: 10 Jun 2008
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Hi everybody ,

This topic was put in the arab forum by " Bu Nawaf " so , all his copyrights are reserved .

This is a link to the original text :" onclick=";return false;



There are a lot of parakeet seed mixes in stores for nutrition , some are sold by weight and others are packed , these packs are almost 20 kg .



Cage birds depend on these mixes in a great deal . As these mixes have high nutritional values and supply the birds with the essential vitamins needed for growth and breeding .

It's a must to provide birds with seed mixes as a daily diet on a regular basis .

These are some pictures of the bird seed mixes .








These mixes are ready-made , sterilized and clean . Some others come with vitamins added .


For some bird owners it's hard to find these mixes so , they can make their own mixes through buying some seeds by weight and mixing them in an almost equal values according to the experience in this field.



Ready-made seed mix ingredients :

Sunflower seeds ( striped – black ) : supply birds with essential fatty acids .




Safflower seeds : supply birds with essential fatty acids .


Cannabis seeds : supply birds with essential fatty acids .


Black wheat : supply birds with protein , amino acids and strengthens bones .


Linseed ( flaxseed ) : supply birds with linolenic acid to improve the quality of feathers , fight diseases and activates the mind .


Canary seeds : have high nutritional values .


Millets ( white – yellow – red ) : supply birds with vitamins , starch , protein and calcium .




Oats : supply birds with calcium , potassium and magnesium .

Oats with hull


Hulled oats


Crushed oats : which is added to the mix


Wheat : supply birds with protein , mineral salts , phosphorus , calcium , iron and iodine .


Corn : supply birds with vitamins , starch and protein . It's added crushed to the mix .



Some birds prefer some seeds more than others so if the bird is young you it can get used to the food , but if it's old you should know what foods it likes most and form the mix according to that . Mainly this are the ratios for a seed mix that u can make :

10 % Sunflower seeds , raise to 15 % in winter ( breeding season ) .

10 % Safflower seeds , raise to 15 % in winter ( breeding season ) .

5 % Cannabis seeds , raise to 10 % in winter ( breeding season ) .

5 % Linseeds , raise to 10 % in winter ( breeding season ) .

10 % Canary seeds .

15 % Millets ( red – yellow – white ) .

15 % Oats .

5 % wheat .

5 % Corn .

When buying seed mixes you must consider the following :

- Notice the production and expiring dates and buy the recently produced ones .

- Make sure they are stored the right way .

- For seeds sold by weight make sure it's moist free , not rotten , no insects or bugs , not punctured and clean .


- After buying make sure to store them away from rodents , humidity and don't leave them to decay .


- Put the seed mix in plastic containers .


- Note that a seed based diet isn't fair enough for birds some other supplements should be added . As seed based diet is poor in amino acids , vitamins and amino acids should be added in food or water .


These are some suggested products that can be used as supplements .

OMNIFORM : a solution that contains 19 kinds of amino acids and 12 kinds of different vitamins .


AMINOVITAL : a solution that contains 19 kinds of amino acids and 12 kinds of different vitamins .


Best wishes and good luck :)

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Breeder: cockatiels
 Post subject: Re: Cockatiel seed mixes
PostPosted: Sun Aug 17, 2008 6:02 pm 
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What a great topic!!

Really it is very important for every breeder to know about the cockatiels' seeds mixes.

Thank you very much

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Breeder: canaries
 Post subject: Re: Cockatiel seed mixes
PostPosted: Sun Aug 17, 2008 9:38 pm 

Joined: 10 Jun 2008
Posts: 98
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Gender: None specified

Hi brother Abdo Abu Seir ,

Really this topic is one of Bu Nawaf's best topics , special thanks to him !

Best wishes and good luck :)

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Breeder: cockatiels
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