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PostPosted: Fri Jul 04, 2008 12:54 am 

Joined: 10 Jun 2008
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Hi everybody ,

This topic was put in the arab version of the forum by " Almetershi " and " Elmahy " replied to his question so all their copyrights are reserved

Question :

How to know the age of the cockatiel ?

Answer :

- Cockatiels differ from other parrots like budgies in the way of determining its age . But there are some signs that helps you to tell whether the bird is mature or a baby bird .
- Male cockatiels can sing melodies with a pure voice and this indicates the maturity of the bird , but baby birds and females don't sing .
- Female cockatiels pelvic bones get wider ( you can know by touching them if you are an expert , or you can notice the distance between both legs ) when they are ready to lay eggs and become mature .
- As the bird gets older , the amount of foot scales increases .
Also notice that the size of mature bird is larger than young bird ( mature birds reach the size 30 cm ) , and the cheek patches grow in size until they cover most of the face , and when that happens the bird is very old and you're not advised to buy .
Some other points I added :
- The crest in young birds is short with straight feathers , while it's long in mature birds with a slight bending backwards .
- The eye size is large in baby birds and it becomes smaller as it gets older .
- Old cockatiels have very long nails bending inwards .
- Tail feathers are equal to the size of the body ( till 1 year of age ) , and gets longer than the size of the body starting from the age of one year .
- Young birds have bigger beaks as the beak side feathers are short , while old birds have long and small beaks as the beak side feathers cover most of its sides .
- Old birds sleep more than young ones ( may reach 17- 18 hours daily besides midday naps ) .
Putting into consideration that each bird differs from the other and these rules might not apply on some birds .


Question :

When is the bird mature ?

Answer : ( I added some information )

Cockatiels reach puberty from 6 to 9 months according to each bird nature . And becomes fully mature at the age of 9 to 12 months . But it's recommended to breed cockatiels at the age of one year or a little more to guarantee well going breeding .

Question :

When is the best age to tame and train my bird ?

Answer : ( I added some information )

To have a fully tame bird you must have experience in hand-feeding baby birds . The best age to start hand-feeding is 2 or 3 weeks old . Then you can start training at the age of one month . We will discuss that in later topics .

Best wishes and Good luck :)

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Breeder: cockatiels
PostPosted: Fri Jul 04, 2008 12:33 pm 

Joined: 30 Jun 2008
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I have read a few post here, It is very hard to tell a age of a bird. You can only tell by the eyes up till 6 months of age that goes for all birds.. They are cloudy till 6 months.. So pass that age it can be hard.. Shore the scales get a little more eye catching...

12 months for breeding is not good, for they are still learning..They are of the too family and are more fowrad them too's.

Best age for teil breeding so they are ready and know what they are doin is two years or under that. I have breed tiel at 12 months old, but have a know how for when they are ready.. They give signs...

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PostPosted: Fri Jul 04, 2008 12:40 pm 

Joined: 10 Jun 2008
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Hi Smiley,

Thank u very much for sharing your experience and correcting some information

Best wishes and Good luck :)

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Breeder: cockatiels
PostPosted: Fri Jul 04, 2008 12:48 pm 

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Thanks Hansheh, dont what to step on any toes here. Just helping thats all.

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PostPosted: Sat Jul 05, 2008 1:39 pm 
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Thank you guys.

I think we just know if it is chick or young or old, but the exact age; may be under some guesses.

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Breeder: canaries
PostPosted: Sun Jul 06, 2008 11:55 am 

Joined: 10 Jun 2008
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Hi everybody ,

Thanks for your comments :)

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Breeder: cockatiels
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