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PostPosted: Wed Feb 13, 2008 9:29 am 
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My brothers loved ones this topic idea brother, and Habibie Jaber Abdullah and encourage my brothers readers topic life cycle, we will present a series Chick Diaries Badji and the talk will be talking with badji

Sign Badji box in place for the sale of birds

Woke up early so blessed usual break beautiful prepared me based on my sermon, but I think today with a stranger walks look beautiful inside Slakti revolve sample between me and my brothers and my friends, I do not know why this perception closer

Suddenly, the man opened the strange and took us to select one after the other and I write here and there to escape from the hands of strong and suddenly happened what I fear it has grabbed me and Tvhsni Odni well in a small cage with my brothers and my friends and move us to where we do not know where to Seachzna

We got to the destination it is a place of many cages and many species of birds, including the same generic, but very crowded place where I do not know whether I should be that guy right in the same situation that I was in the presence of food and drink, I do not know

Started to remove us from the small cage and put in Slake very, very crowded so I do not find the place where I stand too many birds, including birds fierce want to fight to prove not only force. The day could not linked to the food and drink

The next day after the first night very tired, where congestion within Asalake and the lack of food and drink this person came to us and the quantity of food is very small and attacked all the birds and I had the desire to get them to eat anything and got a little section which is not Suffice

The situation started to worsen within Asalake so as to the existence of insects, as well as some sick birds, which I try to avoid as much as possible by the addition of waste accumulated and the smell of the place that make-good at all and suddenly I saw one bird has died and there is another bird beaten severely until I saw blood and it is not too horrified to this scene The owners and I remembered the days Thsart

On the second night wondrous thing happened I saw a huge animal that tries to undermine any one of us from within Asalake VARS and I think it has managed to place the legs of one of my friends and all of us yelling and shouting, but without the benefit of

On the morning of the next day began the cases worsen the shortage of food and I saw this person speaks with a client on a bird us in Asalake and divides it is a small bird, a very old man knew he deceived people and dishonest with them and I called God to Seize have been safe where there is no food or clean and Alsibia which bones become accustomed to it or not this white Bliss, and I said Lord

And entered the place, a large man with a little girl and I called that Tlhvt Echtarni this man to the rest of the Lord of this place, but chose another pair and often sad, especially I lost half the weight after the men ever came back again and I saw him and I consider Wright girl refers to any of the joy I was with them was to Jump was Thank God

Finally found the house of Jamil and Jamil cage and its owner, a beautiful attend me interested in food and clean homes and Mcle angry God I praise You because Lord Lord of the Worlds

Unfortunately starts to you, but that forgiveness subject Fsnltaki with daily Albadji it prepares for marriage and every year you okay


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Breeder: badgy
PostPosted: Thu Feb 14, 2008 11:32 am 
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Thank you my friend abo gamela.

Really it is a grear idea to write like this stories. Letting small budgies speak out about themselves.

I know my friend abo gamela that English is hard for you, so next time try not to use the translation engins as they are very poor to express exactly what you want to write.

Good luck.

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Breeder: canaries
PostPosted: Tue Mar 04, 2008 6:02 pm 

Joined: 23 Jan 2008
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Yes, I'm sorry to say that the meaning was lost with the online translators... But thanks for your effort.

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