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PostPosted: Mon Sep 08, 2008 12:57 am 

Joined: 10 Jun 2008
Posts: 98
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Gender: None specified

Hi everybody !

Before I begin , I want to clarify something . We must know when to reward the bird with the treat . If the bird steps up your hand without giving him a command , never reward him . Only reward him when you give him a command and it responds with the right action . That's applied in every other case .

Exercise three ( waving ) :

Stage one :


The parrot is put against the trainer at or bellow his level . The trainer puts one hand in front of the parrot parallel to his chest , and holds the treat in the other hand with his thumb and index fingers waving the remaining three fingers . In this exercise we can either link it with a sound ( " Hi " - "Bye " ) or not . according to the trainers desire . The parrot will think that it has to step up , so when it starts to step up the trainer doesn't let him touch his hand or finger and rewards him immediately ( exercise 1 ) . This exercise is repeated until the parrot do it right . considering the following :

1- Reward the parrot only in the times when he waves his hand without touching the trainers hand .

2- Never reward the parrot if it steps up .

3- The parrot must wave with one hand only . Let's say it uses the left foot , so it's rewarded only when he waves his left foot .

4- The parrot is rewarded only when he waves as a response to his trainer , but if the parrot waves without his trainer command , it doesn't get a treat .

This part takes some time , so after the parrot is good at that we move to stage two :


The parrot is put against the trainer at or bellow his level . The trainer puts one hand in front of the parrot parallel to his chest , and holds the treat in the other hand with his thumb and index fingers waving the remaining three fingers . But this time he puts one hand below the other one . The parrot will wave as a response to the former part , so when it waves , the trainer rewards it immediately ( exercise 1 ) . This exercise is repeated until the parrot do it right . Then it's time to move to stage three :


The parrot is put against the trainer at or bellow his level . The trainer puts one hand in front of the parrot parallel to his chest , and holds the treat in the other hand with his thumb and index fingers waving the remaining three fingers . But this time he puts one hand below the other arm . The parrot will wave as a response to the former part , so when it waves the trainer rewards it immediately ( exercise 1 ) .



In each stage of this exercise the distance between the parrot and the trainer should extend to let the parrot get used to waving from a distance . And this will be gradual .

Exercise four ( Calling the parrot ) :

There are two opinions , the first supports wing clipping and the other refuses it . So that this exercise is divided into two stages .

Stage one ( in case of wing clipping ) :

In this case the bird is almost flightless , and if it happens to fly , it doesn’t become elevated too much . So we set a track on the ground as shown in figure . We begin the track with an ( X ) which is a symbol for a treat , and at a 10 cm distant from ( X ) we put another treat symbolized by the letter ( O ) , and so on , until the whole distance is 1 meter .


The bird is put at the beginning of the track , and the trainer stays at the end . The bird will start eating the treats , at that moment the trainer says " Come on " ( or any other suitable command , it can even be the parrots name ) . The bird will eat all the treat line until it reaches the last one and eats it , the trainer asks the bird to step up ( exercise two ) , then rewards him immediately ( exercise one ) .

The same thing is repeated , but this time we remove the ( O ) treats , leaving the ( X ) treats only . The bird will start eating the treats , at that moment the trainer says " Come on " . The bird will eat all the treat line until it reaches the last one and eats it , the trainer asks the bird to step up ( exercise two ) , then rewards him immediately ( exercise one ) .

The same exercise is repeated , removing a group of treats each time as shown in figure .

In the end the bird will come to his trainer every time he calls him running on the floor , hoping to get a treat . Every time the trainer calls the parrot , and the parrot comes , he gives him a treat .

Stage two ( The wings are not clipped ) :

In this case the birds prefer flying to walking , which is better for their muscles . The parrot is put against the trainer at or below his level . The trainer puts his hand in front of the parrot parallel to his chest , then says the word " Come on " instead of " up " ( exercise two ) , rewards him ( exercise one ) , then puts him back ( exercise two ) . The same thing is repeated , but each time the distance between the hand and the parrot extends as shown in figure . As the hand is far from the parrot , the parrot will fly trying to set on the hand , hoping to get a treat . Every time the trainer calls the parrot it will fly to him as a response .


This exercise is useful to control the parrots movement and flying .

Exercise five ( going up / down stairs ) :

That exercise is one of the easiest tricks that the parrot can learn to do . Also the parrot feels so happy to do it .


The stairs are put on a desk or so , the parrot is put on the first step , the trainer holds a treat up stairs . The trainer says ( up stairs ) when the parrot go up stairs to get the treat , when the parrot reaches the top , the trainer gives him a treat immediately ( exercise one ) .

To let the parrot go down stairs the opposite thing is done .

Exercise six ( potty training ) :

Many people suffer from their small parrots ( cockatiel or budgie ) pooping every where , even on their friends . Mainly small parrots poop more than larger ones , so it’s not a good thing to deal with a cockatiel as if it's a large parrot . Because larger parrots are trained to keep their poops until they are back to their cages , which might cause harms to smaller birds like cockatiel .


First step :

We should observe the parrot and write down the times when the parrot poops by its own for one or two days . Then we specify the average time between each poop . We choose a suitable potty ( this could be a tissue , a plate , a potty , … etc ) and put it inside the parrots cage to get used to it , and not to feel afraid of it , for two other days .

Step two :

We wait until the parrot poops in its cage , then let him out as soon as it poops . We wait for the average time then when it passes we put the parrot back in his cage , and say the word ( pee ) or any other word , until the parrot poops then we let him out again and so on . Now the parrot will link between the word ( pee ) and his pooping time .

Step three :

We get the parrot out of his cage then get the potty , and wait until its time to poop , we put the parrot over the potty and say ( pee ) , the parrot will get it and pee in that potty . By the time , he will poop alone after that in that potty .

Important note : never , ever reward the parrot for pooping with a treat , because it might think that every time it poops , it will get a treat . Which might lead him to poop even when he doesn't need to , causing harms like prolapsed large intestine . Just encourage him with words like ( good ) , ( good boy ) .

Pooping signs :

Crouching , movement of the tail , stepping backwards or fluffing up the feathers .

These are the six basic excercises and you can modify and devise new exercises and techniques depending on your parrot activity .

Till we meet in phase three ... bye for now :)

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Breeder: cockatiels
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